What would you do?

So, things right now are going pretty well for me. I'm booked up untill well into next year, upping my prices all the time - picking up new bits and pieces of equipment, working with some good bands etc. Just got a message on myspace reading:

well we were thinking of summer but next year would alright to.
how long would 5 songs that last about 4-5 minutes take?
are there any good places to stay nearby?
also is it about £700 a day?

People offering me £700 a day? This is WELL above what I'm currently charging, although every band I work with says I charge too little.

What would you reply to this band?
Answer It will take about 3 months, you can rent out a tent in my backyard for $100 a night, and its actually $750 a day. lol go for it dude.
I think ultimately I'd feel guilty unless I felt like I'm putting that value of work in, so if they paid that much, I'd definitely make sure they got their moneys worth. If I was getting half of that a day I think I'd still be laughing.

It could be that they think you're worth that much anyway and that's why they offered that price^^

It's like a few weeks ago when and friend and I tipped a barmaid £11, just because she was a freakin' awesome barmaid and we thought an £11 tip was a good price for the excellent service she provided us with all that night. Bad example I know, but you can see what i'm trying to say :heh:
I'd just be wary, cuz it'd suck mightily if they somehow found out that was way below your price. I know you don't really owe them anything, but if I were to be in their position (and I never would be, cuz I would research these things in advance, but hypothetically speaking), if, after working with you on my album, getting to know you, joking around, and generally building trust, if I found out you'd been robbing me blind, I'd feel pretty betrayed. Just my thoughts on the subject...
Slightly raise your prices but stay true to your regular amount. This industry revolves a lot about trust, dont abuse their inability they could have Sneap for that money I think.
I'd probably take the "I usually charge that/ abit more, but because I like you, will do it for $5/600" card. The option of those is yours of course, but I think you'd get my general idea.

That way they can think that you believe in them and will want them to record with you, and you're still getting more than usual. Also, with that in their mind, they will go ahead and recommend you, hence more work.
I wouldn`t change my politic because of a message like this.
It`s also possible that there`s a typo in it, wrong pound calculation or something like this....