"What would you expect from a senator from Massachusetts?"


Sep 12, 2002
"What would you expect from a senator from Massachusetts?" Bush said, as a partisan crowd cheered the reference to Kerry's home state and its liberal leanings.

there you have it

Yeah, I won't lie about the fact that my great-great-great-great grandparents were cousins. It happened very frequently, and I know that there are numerous cases of second- and third-cousins and such marrying in my family tree several centuries ago. It was just a lot more acceptable back then (actually, preferable to marrying below your social class). Everybody's the product of some sort of inbreeding. It's just not so cool if it happened, say, one generation back and you have birth defects as a result. I think we can all agree that's kind of lame.
I don't really care either way, I was basically just trying to point out the double-standard in politics, i.e. the southern politicians can say "What do you expect from a Massachusetts liberal?" but the Yankee politicians can't say "What do you expect from a Texan yokel?" whenever some face-meltingly thickheaded legislation gets proposed/passed. I don't really have hate for a region of people (unlike southerners, who have hate for all Northerners).

Alex, on the other hand, hates all Southerners, even his own relatives!
I remember once after a family reunion of some sort, Alex expressed "Thank god he finally left, I seriously had just about enough of that Colonel Sanders looking red-faced hillbilly" and my dad said "Alex!! That's my uncle" or somesuch
"What would you expect from a senator from Massachusetts?" Bush said, as a partisan crowd cheered the reference to Kerry's home state and its liberal leanings.
To answer his question, I definitely wouldn't expect the senator from Massachusetts to have a more impressive military record (with or without self-inflicted wounds) than the current president, who loves to play up the fact that he's not "sensitive" to the enemy, despite the fact that he's never personally faced one in the field.