"What would you expect from a senator from Massachusetts?"

if the people in charge of the democractic party weren't such wimps, they could cream Bush easily. he leaves himself wide open on so many easy topics. fuck that vietnam bullshit, start an actual offensive.

it makes me so bummed out, because they are so obviously blowing it and I can't do shit about it.
i wrote a big spiel to my (GOP-heavy) yahoogroup the other day about how i had figured out that pretty much every Republican who is voting for Bush has a deep-seated and often subconscious desire to get that "good" feeling in their stomach you get when yuo get straight-up vengeance on someone, and every time he kills an Arab, Muslim, or someone vaguely "Arab or Muslim-lookin'" (Sikhs, Afghans, whatever) something inside them cheers.

and all the crap about BLAH BLAH KERRY'S EDUCATION PLAN SUCKS is them trying to justify that lovely, vengeful feeling to themselves.
FuSoYa said:
"Republicans are mean and don't care about anyone except themselves?" I mean it's clear as day.
exactly. Republicans say they want govt out of personal lives but then they do shit like the Defense of Marriage initiative; they whine because they have to sacrifice a bit in taxes for the greater good; its all about self with little regard for the fact that building the nation as a whole makes everyone stronger.
jesus, I'm sounding like Joe Stalin.

avi said:
it makes me so bummed out, because they are so obviously blowing it and I can't do shit about it.
I feel this way every day. I read a post on my uni board the other day by this woman who was like, "I went to the Bush rally the other day! It was so great being with everyone who thinks just like me (thank god there were no minorities there but the cleaning staff, you go girl!), Bush was in prime form and had a more pronounced twang in his voice than he does back east...he's so cute!"
I had the thought a while ago that the current right wing ideology - or perhaps just neoconism - could best be characterized as "the politics of exclusive self-interest". But I think I'm not really correct about that, and that the neocon ideology is far more dangerous than the above sentence. I think the above works when you apply it to domestic tax policy on an indivual level (I earned this money dammit why should i have to throw it into the bottomless pit of poverty) - but only barely holds up when applied to Bush and others' foreign policy.

I mean, there's a fair bit of it mixed in there too, (We earned our status as The Last Superpower, why should we give half a shit what the UN or any other int'l organization says about anything, ever) But the current admin's apparent belief that they can (very quickly) reshape the political outlook of the middle east is a scary one. Mix it up with Bush's manichaeism (which I have a hard time believing is shared throughout his administration) and you've got a very dangerous train of thought. This shoots way way way past self-interest, in my opinion. Obviously, it is in our interest to "cure" the ills of the middle east in a limited way, but it's hard to equate stopping attacks on our citizenry with violently altering the geopolitical situation of billions. I suppose a case could be made there...

Then again, returning to tax policy, I can't help but feel (though i do not have the numbers to back it up) that the people who scream and holler about that being issue #1, are just completely blowing smoke. How big is the difference between taxes paid by the majority of people under Clinton vs. Bush?
The self-interest part of the GOP--like the religious right, like the small-government types--is just what's being used to sell the public on a radical agenda. For example, how did Bush sell the public on the war in Iraq? By playing to self-interest: "YOU might get attacked by IRAQI FIGHTER JETS ARMED WITH MUSTARD GAS!" How different things would have gone if the war was presented as a humanitarian action! (and how much more difficult to criticize the war qua war it would be...)

and, truthfully, the worst thing about all this, I think, is the way it has set back real causes by decades. The Middle East DOES need to have a complete political-landscape change, but Bush has ruined the US'--and maybe the West's--chances of helping out with that for the forseeable future. Let's give it another go in 2050, maybe, and without the bombs? Great.
to be fair, I guess I should point out that this all was allowed to happen because of a failure of the Left--not just the Democrats (who have repeatedly failed miserably for a very long time) but the people who criticize the Democrats, too. the "NO BLOOD FOR OIL" part of Iraq war opposition (for example) was completely retarded, both in substance and in the theory that it shared with Bush: self-interest is the way to get Americans involved, so let's lie and pretend X is about self-interest.
Pastor Joe And The Wrath Of God
Our old friend Joseph Swank has a couple of new columns out and they're both real barn-burners. The first one is entitled "Kerry And Team: Do You Want The Nation To Slide Into Hell's Pocket?"

Elect a national leadership that desecrates the sacred while endorsing outright evil and you will watch a nation slide into hell’s deep caverns.


Pastor Swank after visiting glamour shots

Yet if John F. Kerry and Company get into the executive suites, this nation will be governed by those championing outright sin. Under Bill Clinton’s rule, it was more personal sin than national acceptance of sin. Clinton trespassed against the eternal laws and paid the price. If his sins go unrepented, he will close out his earthly sojourn in hell’s canyons.

But to elect Kerry is to elect an individual who has informed the country ahead of time that he has no spiritual respect for the Blessed Sacrament. He has no holy sensitivity regarding the divine revelation set forth in Scripture. His wife appears to be in his same league.

Those of like ilk will move into every power play throughout the country. They will dance in the streets in celebration of evil sitting in positions of authority locally, statewide and nationally. They will lord it over everyone adhering to a biblical ethic. They will slide the country into maximum immorality — a cascading that will be utterly unrighteous.

How can US Senator John F. Kerry feel the sacramental wafer touch his tongue, knowing that by receiving that sacred element, he is crucifying Christ afresh? The same must be stated regarding his wife.

Considering this hardness of heart, can there then be any deed too evil for John F. Kerry to champion if elected to the chief office of the land? Kerry would stoop to any low to see through his own opportunistic evils. That is not far fetched when realizing that for months the world has witnessed his total disregard for the Christ sacrifice upon the dreaded tree. Anyone who can so slay the Savior repeatedly can rationalize any sin as being proper.

No wonder the Scriptures speak of an age when right is called wrong and wrong is defined as right. That is surely the description of the American scene in too many places. But for that to be the milieu approved by the president should cause the sincere believer to quake in horror.
Pastor Swank is totally right about some things.

No wonder the Scriptures speak of an age when right is called wrong and wrong is defined as right. That is surely the description of the American scene in too many places.