"What would you expect from a senator from Massachusetts?"

josh that's too far away from my dad :(
also, i've been there three times.
once my friend got beat up badly on railroad tracks
the second time half of us got arrested
the third time ym friend's band played a show in a heroin shooting gallery. no thnx.!
California IS teeming with retards, but instead of being equally distributed throughout the land, their Retard Homing Beacon is downtown Los Angeles and infects the surrounding areas (radius of approx. 80 miles and steadily climbing).
lizard said:
and in other politically related stuff (don't want to start a new thread just for this)
This is like the best Bushism evAr.
i can't believe how republican this friggin state is. after having to deal with the so-called democratic state assembly this year i almost want to blow up NY state.
also, after having to watch a mother of 2 punch her kids and then smoke crack on her front steps, i want to get out of here before i strange a chickenhead.
well josh i had no idea you had PLANNED on moving away :(
also, i just called my sister to verify that i was going to move.
her and i plan on taking over the economy of MA and the world by approximately 2025 now.
lizard i was totally thinking about the fat people vote republican thing the other day too. It's like because fat people are more self-indulgent, just like republicans.

Why don't any public democrats just come out and say "Republicans are mean and don't care about anyone except themselves?" I mean it's clear as day.
the scary thing is that the people voting for bush aren't just thinking 'me me me' they're thinking 'me NOW me NOW me NOW' and don't even care or realize that they're eventually screwing themselves over too.