"What would you expect from a senator from Massachusetts?"

is it me, or does each new 'gaffe' geometrically worse than the last one?

is this calculated? like, his script writers' own way of jokingly pointing out that it doesn't matter? there is no wedge big enough to chip away at the swing vote fast enough?


lately i've been having dreams abou how weak kerry's speaking is, DNC nonwithstanding. i can't ignore that slight uplift and trailing off of his voice as a sentence ends after each BIG point he makes. i don't know if that makes sense as i wrote it, or if i'm the only one recognizing this... but the effect is similar to a very weak narration in a 80's C-grade superhero shot-on-video. this nuance says something to me, and i can't be sure what that is, exactly, but i have a few ideas. either or it conveys a certain fakery.
nick I POSTED THIS TO SOME FRIENDS as soon as i saw it yesterday! it outraged me too!

but it's not uncommon at all. so many times during this campaign i've heard Republicans refer to Kerry as being "a Massachusetts liberal" or "from Massachusetts" with an INCREDIBLE curl of disgust to their lip. you know the voice i mean...they use it in all the Bush political ads and now in some Kerry ones, the voice of ultimate disgust and loathing..."John Kerry wants to raise YOUR taxes!"...which bears a resemblence to angry-punk vocals (Propagandhi, specifically)?

in fact, a few months ago, Kerry had an area on his site "The D-Bunker" (which debunks--sorry, D-Bunks--Bush lies) that said "Is John Kerry a MASSACHUSETTS LIBERAL?!?!?!?".

and the answer was a sickening suck-up to Southerners, where they explained how Kerry opposed gay marriage, and talked about him hunting for like three paragraphs, and so on and so forth.

i agree with Toby in that i think it's completely RETARDED that it's okay for a state like Massachusetts to become an insult just by its name when a state like ALABAMA--shittier in every way except fried chickenwise--is protected. it's just an extension of the larger malaise of the South having a culturally disproportionate effect on our electoral process, which is why i hope you will all support my proposal to cut every Southern state's electoral vote total in half.
ok after this post, i talked to my old boss who just told me she and her husband are moving to MA within a year and now i just decided that i am going to move back there too.
my other option was california (NO) or tennessee (probably NOT)
California is teeming with retards!

MA is awesome.

AVG IQ AVG Income '00 Electoral
(1) Connecticut..................113 $26,979 Gore
(2) Massachusetts................111 $24,059 Gore
(3) New Jersey...................111 $26,457 Gore
(4) New York.....................109 $23,534 Gore
(5) Rhode Island.................107 $20,299 Gore
(6) Hawaii.......................106 $21,218 Gore
(7) Maryland.....................105 $22,974 Gore
(8) New Hampshire................105 $22,934 Bush
(9) Illinois.....................104 $21,608 Gore
(10) Delaware....................103 $21,451 Gore
(11) Minnesota...................102 $20,049 Gore
(12) Vermont.....................102 $18,834 Gore
(13) Washington..................102 $20,398 Gore
(14) California..................101 $21,278 Gore
(15) Pennsylvania................101 $20,253 Gore
(16) Maine.......................100 $18,226 Gore
(17) Virginia....................100 $20,629 Bush
(18) Wisconsin...................100 $18,727 Gore
(19) Colorado.....................99 $20,124 Bush
(20) Iowa.........................99 $18,287 Gore
(21) Michigan.....................99 $19,508 Gore
(22) Nevada.......................99 $20,266 Bush
(23) Ohio.........................99 $18,624 Bush
(24) Oregon.......................99 $18,202 Gore
(25) Alaska.......................98 $21,603 Bush
(26) Florida......................98 $19,397 Bush
(27) Missouri.....................98 $18,835 Bush
(28) Kansas.......................96 $19,376 Bush
(29) Nebraska.....................95 $19,084 Bush
(30) Arizona......................94 $17,119 Bush
(31) Indiana......................94 $18,043 Bush
(32) Tennessee....................94 $17,341 Bush
(33) North Carolina...............93 $17,667 Bush
(34) West Virginia................93 $15,065 Bush
(35) Arkansas.....................92 $15,439 Bush
(36) Georgia......................92 $18,130 Bush
(37) Kentucky.....................92 $16,534 Bush
(38) New Mexico...................92 $15,353 Gore
(39) North Dakota.................92 $16,854 Bush
(40) Texas........................92 $17,892 Bush
(41) Alabama......................90 $16,220 Bush
(42) Louisiana....................90 $15,712 Bush
(43) Montana......................90 $16,062 Bush
(44) Oklahoma.....................90 $16,198 Bush
(45) South Dakota.................90 $16,558 Bush
(46) South Carolina...............89 $15,989 Bush
(47) Wyoming......................89 $17,423 Bush
(48) Idaho........................87 $16,067 Bush
(49) Utah.........................87 $15,325 Bush
(50) Mississippi..................85 $14,088 Bush

[Host: The income-IQ correlation was inspired by the book "IQ and the Wealth of Nations," by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen. The income statistics are now perhaps a decade old, but were apparently the only numbers available to the original compiler when the results of the '00 election became available (and this chart was made).

Commentary is welcome, send to gcharter@student.umass.edu]

Source: http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~gcharter/iq.txt