what would you revolt over

Gorva said:
What about your music?
free speech=music

Plus they don't have the will. USA cannot go beyond sit on their couches and bitch about how stupid their president is. I don't see that many people concerned to even ignite what could remotely be in the 'revolt' direction.

is it really worth starting a revolution? thats what you have to cosider. Life is good, and it isn't the 1700's anymore. Sure the president is doing a shitty job and gas prices are a joke. But is worth risking your life, and ruining the economy for what is going on now? I think not. I can live with what is going on.
troopsofdoom said:
Blah Blah revolt as we sit on our computers talking about revolting. There are allot of third world countries with people trying to revolt only to be slaughtered. Americans are cry babies we CAN change shit with out revolting. Ill bet most people on here haven't even voted. I agree the Gov is not doing a great job but it still does good compared to other countries.

That depends on whether voting actually changes anything, and it's pretty debatable about whether it does or not. I'm inclined to disagree and say that it doesn't.
Neith said:
That depends on whether voting actually changes anything, and it's pretty debatable about whether it does or not. I'm inclined to disagree and say that it doesn't.
Nothing gets a revolution started like a defeatist attitude.
fah-q said:
Nothing gets a revolution started like a defeatist attitude.

I have no plans for revolution I was merely pointing out that voting doesn't necessarily do anything and I can't help but wander how exactly you can change things without voting or revolting?
Change can be gradual, and for the sake of stability it should be. Revolting does not necessary mean bloody revolution, only that you express feelings of disgust and the wish for a new system and act upon them - whether it be by military or peaceful means.
Actually, in the US at least, voting works all-too-well...to keep things just as they are! Indeed, most Americans, despite a few murmers or complaints here and there are perfectly content with the "system" and those who labor within. Folks I know are overwhelmingly satisfied with their lives on the whole. Sure, some grumble about Iraq or gas prices or the cost of health care, etc. But realistically, most don't really give a damn about anything that doesn't directly(read immediately and drastically) effect their lives. Most don't seem to even consider that real change is either necessary or even desirable. Moreover, the complete vilification of any idea out of the "mainstream" by the media, the clergy, the punditry and of course, the political machine itself, (who collectively form, modify and mold the very opinions of most citizens) keeps all "right thinking" Americans dutifully in line, and virtually guarantees that no real change, let alone revolt will succeed.
Has anyone stopped to consider that there is no revolt because Americans have thought about it and truly are happy?
Are you so full of yourselves that you believe you know what other want, because you know they haven't considered it yet? Please. . .
OldScratch said:
Actually, in the US at least, voting works all-too-well...to keel things just as they are! Indeed, most Americans, despite a few murmers or complaints here and there are perfectly content with the "system" and those who labor within. Folks I know are overwhelmingly satisfied with their lives on the whole. Sure, some grumble about Iraq or gas prices or the cost of health care, etc. But realistically, most don't really give a damn about anything that doesn't directly(read immediately and drastically) effect their lives. Most don't seem to even consider that real change is either necessary or even desirable. Moreover, the complete vilification of any idea out of the "mainstream" by the media, the clergy, the punditry and of course, the political machine itself, (who collectively form, modify and mold the very opinions of most citizens) keeps all "right thinking" Americans dutifully in line, and virtually guarantees that no real change, let alone revolt will succeed.

I enjoy your final point. Indeed, any non-mainstream thought is immediately villified and attacked in the U.S. However, lately there have been a number of studies (sure, they;re probably pointless) that show Americans have never been sadder, more isolated, overworked, totally seperated from any community, etc. I think the obscene number of persons on anti-depressents and other mood-altering chemicals/***** when compared to the rest of the world is the best evidence.

huh, I cant write dru-s, or dr-gs without it becoming *****. Has d-ugs been censored or something?
When you think about it there is a kind of perpetual revolution going on. There has been no stability for a very long time. Right now we have a crisis based on the relationship between the west and the Muslim world, the government becoming more totalitarian, the rapid racial changes in demography, the changes in demography due to increasing number of old people and low birthrate, the imminent environemental collapse, the crisis with apparant shortage of oil and soon a shortage of water in some parts of the world (causing future wars). On a slightly smaller level, fashion has created revolution, the 1960s permissive culture has had a huge knock-on effect - feminism, the pill, changing attitudes towards single parents and homosexuality. Really we are kept in a whirlwind of change and has a disorientating effect.

I'm sure this limits the likelihood of a conventional revolution, because people are too dizzy and can't get their heads together with all that's going on in terms of social change.

I think the idea of perpetual revolution is Communist - maybe someone can explain it better if this is the case?

This site http://www3.iath.virginia.edu/lists_archive/sixties-l/3205.html
has some points to make about how commercial interests wish to keep people in a state of social fluctuation akin to perpetual revolution.

One of the most tenacious myths of the "culture wars" that have been going
on in the United States for over 30 years is that youth counterculture has
some sort of innate transgressive power; that the eternal battle between
hippie and hardhat, disco-dweller and churchgoer, individualist and
conformist, is every bit as important a struggle as the one between
classes once was.

This belief in the significance of the war between hip and square is
accepted as holy writ not only by avatars of academic cultural studies,
but by our entertainment and marketing industries as well. To tune in to
prime-time TV programming at any time during the 1990s was to hear
corporate America, through its advertising, beat the drum for
"revolution", call boldly for the breaking of "rules", and insist
defiantly on being "extreme" despite the bosses and suits and
SoundMaster said:
If the radical religious reich continue down their current path to total dominance of the US govt, and either radically alter or totally kill the Constitution (which is their stated goal), a true revolution is called for. Seriously.

I think Demiurge, Infoterror, Norsemaiden and possibly myself, will probably down a few glasses of champagne as the government collapses. I just hope the transition stage through fascism is led by someone more capable than Mr. Bush, or anyone in Washington today. Is there a Caesar or Napoleon somewhere? Even a Caesar Borgia would do. Where are our cultured and intelligent aristocrats when we need them? This is a perfect time for an oligarcy! No...a perfect time for a philosopher king! Or is it just the next step towards inevitable communism? Hm...so many choices.
speed said:
I think Demiurge, Infoterror, Norsemaiden and possibly myself, will probably down a few glasses of champagne as the government collapses. I just hope the transition stage through fascism is led by someone more capable than Mr. Bush, or anyone in Washington today. Is there a Caesar or Napoleon somewhere? Even a Caesar Borgia would do. Where are our cultured and intelligent aristocrats when we need them? This is a perfect time for an oligarcy! No...a perfect time for a philosopher king! Or is it just the next step towards inevitable communism? Hm...so many choices.

No thanks. I'll skip the party. Theocracy?
speed said:
I forgot about that one, and I like it. Are there others? Perhaps just old fashion despotism?

I'd imagine that their version of theocracy will merge quite well with a despot grabbing the reigns. Perhaps Pat Robertson?

August, 2019
"And in today's news, 3,573 more citizens were 'dispatched' for refusal to accept Christ as their Lord & Savior. Why do these heathens hate America? Only the Lord knows. These poor souls are now experiencing HIS divine wrath.
In other news, The U.S.S. George W Bush has returned from its peacekeeping mission near the Straight of Hormuz. The infidels have been crushed and God has delivered their black gold straight into the hands of his Chosen people - Americans".
SoundMaster said:
I'd imagine that their version of theocracy will merge quite well with a despot grabbing the reigns. Perhaps Pat Robertson?

August, 2019
"And in today's news, 3,573 more citizens were 'dispatched' for refusal to accept Christ as their Lord & Savior. Why do these heathens hate America? Only the Lord knows. These poor souls are now experiencing HIS divine wrath.
In other news, The U.S.S. George W Bush has returned from its peacekeeping mission near the Straight of Hormuz. The infidels have been crushed and God has delivered their black gold straight into the hands of his Chosen people - Americans".

Im really going to have to, with a little gumption, pull myself up by my middle class bootstraps, and figure out a way to get into this ruling elite. I'd rather enjoy being a Christian mullah.
SoundMaster said:
If the radical religious reichreich? please explain continue down their current path to total dominance of the US govtOn what do you base this? , and either radically alter or totally kill the ConstitutionHow is the Constitution being killed? (which is their stated goal)Who are "they" and when did they state this?, a true revolution is called for. Seriously.
Well, what are you waiting for?
speed said:
I enjoy your final point. Indeed, any non-mainstream thought is immediately villified and attacked in the U.S. However, lately there have been a number of studies (sure, they;re probably pointless) that show Americans have never been sadder, more isolated, overworked, totally seperated from any community, etc. I think the obscene number of persons on anti-depressents and other mood-altering chemicals/***** when compared to the rest of the world is the best evidence.

huh, I cant write dru-s, or dr-gs without it becoming *****. Has d-ugs been censored or something?

We Americans are preposterously medicated for all manner of maladies, both real and (mostly)imagined. The studies are probably onto something. Americans are angry, depressed and profoundly self-absorbed. We no longer have a sense of community at all. I've lived in three places in the past fifteen years - I've never known more than perhaps one neighbor in any given location...this is commonplace.
OldScratch said:
We Americans are preposterously medicated for all manner of maladies, both real and (mostly)imagined. The studies are probably onto something. Americans are angry, depressed and profoundly self-absorbed. We no longer have a sense of community at all. I've lived in three places in the past fifteen years - I've never known more than perhaps one neighbor in any given location...this is commonplace.
Normally, I am not a fan of painting with such broad strokes but, there really isn't anything untruthful here.