What ya watching?

Crack Hitler said:
It was nice looking and stuff and some of the effects were cool, but it lacked something. Like a decent plot. Or any plot at all.
Confirmed. Pole.

EDIT: 666th post. I shall stop writing to keep this magical moment up. lmao
does anyone know "Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself "? its danish.. just got a free ticket. any good? the directors previous one was Dogme #12... whats this dogme thing!?
I think it has gotten pretty decent reviews so with a free ticket you'll probly end up on the plus side. Dogma is this set of rules by which directors (who decide to be with that 'club') shoot their movies. Like, only natural lightning, you gotta shoot the movie in chronological order and on location etc. etc...

check here: http://www.dogme95.dk/
just watched Bend it like Beckham (kinda lame, like the player ;) ) and Spun. Man, the latter one is wicked, i can't find any other words, just wicked. The soundtrack had some good tunes too, like there was a cover version by zwan of The Number of the Beast, i was quite astonished as i heard it. Nice one.
Pieter, get on the dl mate ;).
Just saw T3 last night. Expectations were quite low but I came out satisfied. Ok, far too many jokes and one-liners. I've always loved T1's desperate atmosphere and darkness, T2 was so so with a lighter touch but still an amazing action film with some of the apocalyptic feel of the first one.

This new one had similar stuff but only in its storyline, they made the film more 'easy' and light-hearted popcorn action by adding way too many one-liners and making the terminator to make a fool of himself (no.. seriously :( ).

Luckily the cons of this movie didn't ruin it completely. Some action scenes were really good (like the highway chase in the first half), and a big plus for the way they ended the movie.

I'm glad to say they didn't ruin the whole thing the first two movies started !:kickass:


oh yeah, and that Kristianna Loken can come and chase me and try to terminate me any day :p
bah terminator 3..... you went to 2fast 2 furious and xxx as well?

Ill watch 'Catch me if you can' soon cause the dvd is out and that was a dead nice movie.
And Ill go to Pirates of the Carribean too in cinema cause i always liked walt disney's movies.
Oh come on! Like T3 is somehow directly comparable to those two waste of celluloids? Atleast with T3 you got decent story and interesting ideas (ofcourse the two first movies helps alot in this case..) and good, but not too much, action. Not to mention really good and logical ending. Just 'cause it's popcorn, doesn't necessarily mean it's bad.

So you're getting or renting Catch me if you can with DiCaprio and Hanks. You're gettin Man in the Iron Mask and You've got mail as well?
Strangelight said:
has anyone seen The Tall Guy?

I was in a very serious, I might add, play by Bernard Pomerance of , 'The Elephant Man'. The lad who played him was brilliant, used no make up, no sock on a brown bag or anything, just contorted his face an body, to represent disfigurement......
so what did we do in rehearsals...asked him to disco dance as John Merrick and also laughed at the line, "i'll pack me trunk"....

That rolling around scene with Goldblum and Thompson....
Crack Hitler said:
So you're getting or renting Catch me if you can with DiCaprio and Hanks. You're gettin Man in the Iron Mask and You've got mail as well?

haha no i wont! but i like catch me if you can. all right hollywood. true. but hey this is a top movie!