What your favorite CoB song??

hmm.. That's a though one.. I just yesterday noticed how amazing Nothern Comfort is and I felt like saying that it's _THE_ song, but then I remembered those hundreds of hours playing air guitar when listening to Downfall.. :)I like all the others very much, too.
BLACK WIDOW... the Courus is by far COB's best, and how Alexi's vocals are during the courus, so pure and rough. it gives me shivers hehe...


Triple Corpse Hammerblow
Taste of My Scythe
Bodom after midnight
Hate me!
Northern comfort
Everytime i die
Needled 24/7

Actually i can listen to all the bodom albums for hours whilst roaming the wed and every song is maximum kick ass... no need for skipping tracks... BODOM RULE....
WildwarZ said:
fuck , you won't make me believe that this fucking thread wasen't exist before that ! if so , fuck am anoyed ! if not , well man you wasted some fucking UM server memory again ! just like if they have not enough fucking problems ! god damn fucking shit , reloading 5 times the same fucking page is not my fucking favorite hobbie ! but anyway heres my awnser : this is hatebreeder i like the most. why ? because its the most violent and the most fucking hatefull !
are u drunk?