What's a good air (or other) combat sim? (for PC)

AD Chaos

Aug 3, 2009
Hey guys, I'm planning to buy a graphics card for a new PC, and even though I'm not planning on spending loads of time on games (fingers crossed lol) I'd still like to get some good, fast-paced combat sim, with lots of screen action.. preferably with jet fighters, but general conflict would also do.

Something along these lines:

What kind of joystick or controller should I get? ..after quitting for some 10yrs I'm a total n00b, as I'm sure you can tell :lol:

Do you have any suggestions for me? Thanks much :)
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This may not help at all since I use an xbox for games, but being a huge Ace Combat fan since Ace Combat 2 on the original Playstation, I was hugely disappointed by the demo for the latest installment. It just seems too arcade-like now. Not that the other ones were hugely realistic, but the new one has this new "auto dogfight" mode that seems integral to the gameplay. It's like having autopilot on a racing sim. No thanks.
If you want second world war simulator IL2 STURMOVIK. I used to play 5 or 6 years ago. I guess it is newerr versions.

IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 is still the beez kneez. The sequel is so bug-ridden that it's not even worth playing (I bought it on release, barely touched it).

IL-2 will run really well on just about any modern system, and it's an absolute joy to play.

Not the same thing as Ace Combat though. None of that 'pull towards the flashing red arrow and then jam every button you can, then repeat'. Half your battle is actually controlling the aircraft itself, and the environment, much less attempting to get your gunsights on a weaving target. Took me about 3 months before I could competently dogfight in that one... so freakin rewarding.
IL2 STURMOVIK seems to be the consensus alright- it's the highest rated air combat sim on gamespot, and some missions seem to be really difficult!


^ Btw those other games listed underneath IL2 are not that easy to find on YT because of their generic names, but their rankings look interesting - all seem to be from before or around 2000(!), so I'm guessing playing them with max settings on a 2011 system -and a 27' monitor :lol: must be something else!

And yes I posted Ace Combat because of the fast pace -even though is not PC-, but the game doesn't seem to offer much beyond that, anyway. At least not their last installment, indeed.
The only flight "simulator" for modern air combat I know is Falcon 4.0, even Lock-on is more or less arcade in its own way (being able to land a sukhoi on a carrier right from the first attempt ever cannot be realistic, and so on). Flying correctly the F16 in F4.0 is already a lot of work, and since when the editor opened the code to the community some people made most of its systems at least usable, you can use the real checklists etc (you can in F4.0 but IIRC you just skip a few items like the pressurisation system or stuff like that). The only downside is that being a very old game, the flight enveloppe doesn't feel 100% realistic, although a modern fighter is nothing else than a brick with big engines to keep it and its load in the air, so it's not like it's gonna impact on the overall experience.

Otherwise on the semi-arcade side, IL2 is cool to have some fun with. I had a lot of fun with Microsoft Combat Simulator too, back in the days, it's an underrated game. Ace combat is 100% arcade, I don't even know why it's called "simulation" :lol:. On the first video the plane doesn't even bank enough to be able to have such a turn rate, or does moves that are impossible for a plane to do, I know I'm obviously picky about these things but damn it's frustrating it's like they didn't even care about asking someone who knows a bit of aerodynamics if at least it looks normal. In ace combat 2 or 3 some planes had their surfaces moving in the wrong direction, I mean wtf, the designers only think about the eye candy side of things. I always had fun with them though overall, as long as you take them for a shot em up with aircraft basically. What's the deal with this semi autopilot for dogfight in the last version ?