What's a true friend?

a true friend tries to settle a disagreement before it gets to stabbin
MetallicaSux said:
Why you say that? Had a bad experience?
nah im not talking from experience. i just think that given that friends are human and humans are fallable and subject to corruption, that a 'true friend' seems like a contradiction in terms.
aye claire
to that extent, there are no true friends imo, just true friendships.
no-one can be flawless, and expecting someone to be so is unrealistic.
i'm happy to have a cpl of true friendships, which obviously needs feeding and investing at times, from both sides. it's about trrrrust, honesty and understanding in most cases eh?
Yeah, every relationship you value is based on trust, loyalty and honour but beyond that we have to not put people on pedestals. We are human and with that comes the dark nature as well as the light.....sooo, i recon excepting your mates as close means excepting all the bad too.
Mick Moss said:
Did he by any chance try to pork you?
hahaha :lol:
^probably its what you men do isnt it???
and i think she served to prove my point anyway - he was human etc etc, and isnt your friend anymore, he isnt a true friend now and he couldn't have been a true friend then as.....well, as he isnt around anymore.
im not disputing the fact that he was like , i dunno, the best person you ever met and you meant loads to eachother in a friend way (ovbiously before he tried to pork you - jk)
..............actually i dont know, maybe this true friend shite is subjective, maybe someone can be a true friend right up until the point they betray you or whatever, and then it is from there forwards that they arent a true friend but they were in the past.....
yeah so actually its just what tools said but a little different
you can have true friendships and possibly true friends (as they are teh ones creating teh friendships) but you cant have true people.

^ hmmm yeah thats what i was getting at :Spin:
blackeyed said:
hahaha :lol:
^probably its what you men do isnt it???
and i think she served to prove my point anyway - he was human etc etc, and isnt your friend anymore, he isnt a true friend now and he couldn't have been a true friend then as.....well, as he isnt around anymore.
im not disputing the fact that he was like , i dunno, the best person you ever met and you meant loads to eachother in a friend way (ovbiously before he tried to pork you - jk)
..............actually i dont know, maybe this true friend shite is subjective, maybe someone can be a true friend right up until the point they betray you or whatever, and then it is from there forwards that they arent a true friend but they were in the past.....
yeah so actually its just what tools said but a little different
you can have true friendships and possibly true friends (as they are teh ones creating teh friendships) but you cant have true people.

^ hmmm yeah thats what i was getting at :Spin:

Geesh Claire, i think you should become a shrink or something with your phlosophy :D