What's an Amazing Concert You've Seen That Your Friends Just Don't Understand?


Apr 14, 2008
Everyone here has had a magical concert experience for a band that people make fun of you for. You tell them how awesome that show was, and they are like, "Yeah right!" You tell them, "Nah really dude! They were awesome!"

For me it's Creed. I saw Creed a few years back with my brother. We didn't know what to expect but we just showed up and bought some tix in front and had really good seats at the LA Staples Center. I was completely blown away by the amount of emotion the singer poured into every song. I thought it was a total spiritual experience. He would get into this low stance with his arms in the air and I just thought it was so beautiful. I saw RUSH that same week, and to be honest, the Creed show hit me much more on an emotional level. Of course, noone gets it.

What's your experience like this?
Thrash of The Titans which was 7 years ago this past Monday.A benefit show for Chuck Billy of Testament & Chuck Schuldner of Death. All the major old school Thrash bands reuntited for this special benefit.12 hours lonf from 3:00 pm 'tik 3:00 am Heathen,Flotsam & Jetsam,sadus Forbidden,Exodus,Death Angel,S.O.D.,Anthrax,Vio-lence & Legacy(Testament) an historic occasion which lead to the rebirth of Thrash!
Hmmm I have a couple.

Number one: would be Skid Row in front of 100 or so people in Middlesbrough.
So much energy moving between band and crowd it was insane. People dont understand how I can like Skid Row.....I do.

Number two: I took my mum to go see Dolly Parton. I was really not looking forward to going as I hate country music, but I have to admit I did enjoy it. Again my friends dont understand how I sat there through the performance.

Number 3: Hmmm I was thinking about when I went to see KISS on the revenge tour.....but it actually was a load of crap so I decided to only mention it in passing......Then I thought this is a tie.....its between Guns and Roses in 2006 or Joe satriani on the extremist tour (93 I think) And i think it goes to Satch because he is an aquired taste.
For me it was Stevie Nicks at the US Festival! She was amazing!! She was one of the acts that I thought I wouldn't care less to see, but what an awesome performance and stage presence she had! Maybe the after effects of dosing could have had something to do with it, I'm not sure.
Wasn't too cool for, what was that word? Oh yeah, Heshers to admit to liking Stevie Nicks and I did get alot of flak for it!! lol!
Dolly Parton!!?? That is GREAT!!!
I think Dolly Parton wins here! Thats hilarious!

Now I am a huge Skid Row fan too. The first 2 albums. Wasted Time is an incredible song. I saw Sebastian Bach live at The Whiskey about 10 years ago and it blew me away. He now sings on Broadway!
I like the Stripped album but don't like the album after that or the one she just released. Stripped is real good.
AH SWEET! Downshifter, wasn't Creed amazing live? The power and emotion was unmatchable!

Oh yeah Alter Bridge. They escaped my mind. I never seen them.
I've seen Phish 12 times and I still don't get it! I really don't like them for some reason.
Did everyone miss that Yanni was mentioned here? Haha. I want to hear more about this concert. I bet theres a lot of nice looking Cougars there.
hehe Barry. Kind of a wanker, no?

Neil Diamond's great! I seen Neil twice! You guys seen Saving Silverman?

I love how Neil Diamond sells out the LA Forum for 10 nights in a row.