What's been pissing you off lately?

Long songs...
...being considered epic and flawless and all that shit because they are, well, long... For instance, I'm listening to Redemption's "Sapphire". Hardly a bad song by any means but my attention span tends to dip from time to time. Cause fuck, 16 mins is a lot of time for a song... Usually having an epic and bombastic ending helps though. :D Like Champion of Ithaca from "The Odyssey". The rest of the song can fuck off.

Seventh Wonder - The Great Escape. More like "The Great Snorefest," the only parts of the song I liked were after the sappy intro, and before the aptly named part, "A Turn for the Worse."

Dream Theater cheated with "6 Degrees of Ah Fuck It This Song Doesn't Deserve To Be Typed Out In It's Entirety". :hypno:

My copy of Octavarium skips but I then realized it's for my benefit so I don't put it back into my stereo expecting it to sound good. Same thing happened with SymphoNU X's "Paradise Lost". Likely thanks to the inexcusably shitty packaging for the "bonus edition". What's our treat for the next album? Razors lined along the sides of the disc?
Ok here are some things that will make it better.
1. Get these retards wireless headsets. Since they won't shut the fuck up, not having to listen to them shout "YAAAAAWWW TRICK YAW!" endlessly, would make it much easier to watch (not that I do, but other people do and I have to listen to it). Well actually it still sucks, get it the fuck out of here.
2. Put those brooms to better use; sweep my fucking floor.
3. Put those brooms to even better use; attach blades to the end and fight each other to the death.
4. Die.
Ok, glad that buildup's been cleared up. Again, don't take that all too seriously. :D:Puke:
When UPS doesn't seem to know where you live. Hey UPS look at the fucking MAP!!! It's made for a reason & your pea-brained higher-ups don't seem to know how to use them or that they even exists.

Explanation: On Valentines Day my computer's power supply fried, so I ordered a new one from Newegg.ca

Well looking at UPS' tracking of the package, it starts on the east coast of the USA (Jersey), travels to Buffalo, New York to Concord, Ontario then back to the east coast for delivery.


Now it does not make any fucking sense to drive the package half way across the country, only to drive it back again, when they could have just driven straight up the I-95 to the Trans-Canada highway in a fraction of the time.

Just check out this map. The red route is the route the package took. The purple route is the route they should have taken if they had any brains.


WTF people. Common fucking sense. Is it too much to fucking ask for. FUCK.
These interactive movies that are called "games." I attempted to play Mass Effect 2 and kept wondering why I was "playing" it. Finally I just turned the fucking thing off. It was unbearable.

If this is how "games" are going to be like now and in the future, I want no part of it.

I wish real games like the Ninja Gaiden series were given much more attention. :(
The first one released on Xbox or the more improved Sigma versions released on PS3? I think Ninja Gaiden 2 for the Xbox was intense but fun as hell. Yeah they loaded up on the cheapness factor, especially on the "Submit, or Die!" chapter but that's been toned down and fixed in Sigma 2. :D
The new Youtube... Who in the fuck thought it needed to be changed? They pissed all over it. Fuck Google! I hope someone puts those cum gargling cunts out of their misery and they go bankrupt.
Well today it's about my PSP (2000). I like having the option of playing PSP on my HDTV. Unfortunately, the Intec AV Component cable I bought just over a week ago is no longer working.

The sound works but the other line-ish plug seems pretty fucked. I plug the cable into the PSP (after ceaseless OSD-ish checks on the back of my TV to make sure everything is hooked up properly), and the PSP keeps saying "Insert AV cable."

I could see this happening after a year at the minimum but come on! A week?! Fuck Intec! :erk: What's even funnier is that, I've been searching for hours and hours for anyone else who had the same problem and based on that, I'm the only one. Fuck Google (again) too.

I'd get myself a PSPgo, but I already have a few UMD games and don't really feel like buying them again.
Well today it's about my PSP (2000). I like having the option of playing PSP on my HDTV. Unfortunately, the Intec AV Component cable I bought just over a week ago is no longer working.

The sound works but the other line-ish plug seems pretty fucked. I plug the cable into the PSP (after ceaseless OSD-ish checks on the back of my TV to make sure everything is hooked up properly), and the PSP keeps saying "Insert AV cable."

I could see this happening after a year at the minimum but come on! A week?! Fuck Intec! :erk: What's even funnier is that, I've been searching for hours and hours for anyone else who had the same problem and based on that, I'm the only one. Fuck Google (again) too.

I'd get myself a PSPgo, but I already have a few UMD games and don't really feel like buying them again.

You still have the receipt? Return it and see if its just a bum cable. Weak, yes, but it may just be a fluke.

By the way, i've always wanted to do that, does the image come out any good?
Yep the image is excellent. Of course the TV doesn't smooth out the jaggies but that's hardly an issue.

It's full screen when you're on the XMB menu and watching movies and viewing pics, but when playing the game, the screen is reduced by a noticeable amount. So I set my TV to zoom in and fix that small problem. :)
Yep the image is excellent. Of course the TV doesn't smooth out the jaggies but that's hardly an issue.

It's full screen when you're on the XMB menu and watching movies and viewing pics, but when playing the game, the screen is reduced by a noticeable amount. So I set my TV to zoom in and fix that small problem. :)

Can you send me a link to the specific cord you are using? I gotta get that going, as I love my PSP, but I have a bunch of RPGs i'd love to play on a larger screen.
http://www.gamestop.com/browse/sear...ord&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntt=psp av cable or http://www.walmart.com/ip/Intec-Component-AV-Cable-PSP-Slim-PSP/10334192 if you shop in either of those places. I picked mine up at a local GameStop for $10, as you'll see in the second link. They aren't an exact match (the color indicators on mine were way smaller and easier to confuse) but hopefully will last longer than a week.

Obviously, I don't recommend using Intec, as I got screwed whether merely $10 or not. If you're using HD, you should go with the component cables. I had to buy an HDMI cable for my PS3 to free up the space for the PSP cable. At least one of them's still working. :D

One more important thing, your PSP model must be a PSP 2000 [slim] or later version. If you look on the bottom of the console where the barcode is, you'll see what type it is.
Lucky me! I found an older PSP AV Component cable today that was blindly discarded some time ago when I was using a shitty tube TV with no HDMI ports, and the cord was too short to go around it and give me enough room to sit anywhere less than practically right in front of the damn thing... Damn what a turn of fortune!

Anyways, yeah... I failed to return the first one which came to my salvation this morning in my time of need. *weeps happily* :waah::)

Ok so with that aside, you should consider how far you sit from your TV and buy a cable with enough length so you're not at the risk of pulling your TV and slamming it to the floor. This one--I believe--is ab00t 10ft or so, just enough room so I can sit back and play games without looking like I'm doing "the thinker".

Hmm oh and what's been pissing me off... Who is this Justin Beiber queer and what's with all these "love story" bullshit "videos" I keep running into on NuTube? :yuk: :yell:

I need some sick humor to levitate my spirits, join me as I partake. :grin:
This was originally meant to be an E3 thread but I figured this post would not settle well and rile some people up, so it's better off here.
So here's what I think...

Nintendo pulled the fucking carpet from under Microsoft and Sony.

The only thing I really cared for on Xbox was Castlevania - Harmony of Despair, until I found out it's going to be a total and utter piece of shit:According to IGN:
We just played a couple games of Castlevania: Harmony of Despair, the new six-player Castlevania game coming to Xbox Live Arcade this summer. Harmony of Despair is a 2D side-scrolling Castlevania that looks quite similar to the post-Symphony of the Night games we've been playing on the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS for years. Apart from its looks, though, this is a pretty unique spin on the Castlevania formula. It's designed as a co-op game for up to six players that works like raids in World of Warcraft.

There are six levels, each guarded by a boss that must be hunted down and murdered. The maps are expansive, full of traps, shortcuts, and dead ends. Here's the thing: these levels and bosses are designed to be attempted many times over. Not only are the bosses powerful, but you only have 10 minutes to find them. You are more than likely to fail the first couple times you try. Luckily, you retain all the items and monies you collect on a "raid." So the formula goes: try a level, fail, buy and equip better items, and make it a little farther next time. You don't earn experience points and level up your character, but you are constantly finding new items and earning money that can buy you cool stuff. The next time you try that level, you'll be better equipped for it.
World of Warcraft??!?!?!!! RAIDS??!?!?!!!! Suck my fucking dick, Konami! :flame::flame:
Ok well, I'm not buying this trial-and-error WoW-suckup horse shit of a "game." What an inexcusably awful punch-to-the-face concept of a game that might have been good... Seriously - FUCK YOU, IGARASHI!!!

*breathes deep*

Alright, alright... Sorry about that. Maybe if there was an option to play solo all the way through like the DS games have been designed, then it'd be a different story, and maybe that could be an option. Until that's been confirmed, they can just get on their knees and suck me dry.

As for the Wii, it looks like "Donkey Kong Country Returns," the GoldenEye remake, "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword," and perhaps "Kirby's Epic Yarn" might hold some promise. I'll let the actual playing experience speak over the hype.

Xbox 360's new games just represent something that has passed by me and I have no interest in Natal or another Master Queef game. I like the new console's look and ideas. Now if only it came at least 3 years earlier it would've mattered.

As for the PS3, see my above post. I just don't care about 90% of modern gaming anymore and well, it's not an option. I just simply can't play them. Final Fantasy XIII hammered the final nail in the coffin.

I don't expect anything from "Lords of Shadow," but "Metal Gear Solid: Rising" should at least kick ass. I'm not interested in "Move," either. I already have a Wii, thanks.
  • Threads of such golden potential eventually falling into the dump pile. :(
  • Having to wait another 3-or-so weeks for to ship, and I ordered an import from Japan. Otherwise it'd be around mid May. :D VERY highly recommended! Order now! :kickass:
  • The new Youtube "Trends" videos. Or more specifically, not avoiding the comments that have devoured my already critically low IQ level, so I blame myself... but it was nice to see some shit-talking little rabbit-toothed kid get a face full of concrete.
  • Bots in MMOs spamming/advertising sites to buy stolen in-game currency for RL money.
  • Bands that seemingly have dropped off the grid *cough*..Persuader and Iron Savior... Actually, Iron Savior's last two albums fucking sucked anyway so I'm not losing any sleep over it.

1,000 posts... yee! *scratches that off his list of lifetime accomplishments*
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