Whats better-Technical or Emotional?


Nov 19, 2001
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Most metal fans seem to like one or the other( technical bands- or emotional bands)- which one do you prefer?( a generalization of course) Would you rather hear some crazy technical guitar- drum wizardry- over a really solid and emotional groove- or emotional solo for that matter? Which one is more innovative and creative- and just plain harder to pull off?
technicality. people who rely on being emotional lack musical talent. anb besides, who says you cant be technical and not have emotion. cephalic carnage is great at that. really technical but i love the tweaky and spazzy atmosphere they put out
Both play key roles in the making of music. I don't think there's such a band that only relies on one of the two. Just my opinion...
it all depends on the situation. sometimes you need some really emotional music to tickle your fancy and othertimes listening to some crazy tech guy works. thats why there's so many kinds of music...for different moods and stuff
I love both. It just depends on the mood of the person. Lately, I've been going for a more emotionally appeal, like MDB. It's just how I've been feeling lately.
Both of those are strong points for me, when I look for music. Bands that are really emotic and technically interesting in my ears usually equalls a very good band. Several years ago, I was more into the technical side of it, but I was introduced to technical bands that are VERY emotic like Fates Warning, Vanden Plas, etc.

Dying Sun - good point- but how many bands- especially metal bands actually even think about conceptual coherance? Most bands make music- cuz they like to, they make music for the average metal fan- ideas and the aesthetic execution of such ideas are usually secondary to most bands, especially the larger bands ( im generalizing here)
The Yngster said:
A mix of both would be great, but if I could only have one or the other I'd rather hear a band doing crazy technical stuff than sappy ballads.

I don't think he meant "sappy ballads" though. There is a wide spectrum of emotions. As an example, anything Devin Townsend does is very emotional. Dance of December Souls from Katatonia is another fine example.
Lee Hazlewood is my favorite artist. Many of his songs are very simple, but yet "emotional" as you call it (or "sad" as I call it).
Type O Negative is my favorite band and pretty much the same goes for them, although I don't think their songs are that sad.
Most of my favorite songs are all sad shit (as we've discussed several times before).
Overall, emotion is more important for me. When I am frustrated or angry, I listen to very angry sounding music like Lamb Of God or Suffocation. When I am feeling suicidal and depressed, I listen to Metallica's Fade To Black, or gloomy bands like Lacuna Coil, Paradise Lost, Katatonia, or Noverbre. I also like emotionless bands that are just technical, like Cryptopsy or Nocturnus. I really like bands that have both emotion (in most cases anger) and technicality, like Suffocation and Nile.