What's changed your life recently (for the better)


Jul 1, 2002
London, England
1. TV broke over a month ago and I decided not to get a new one. Haven’t watched any TV since then and it’s really had good effects. More time to play guitar.

2. Stopped drinking tap water. It’s completely evil – don’t touch it!

3. Started eating artichokes. One of those things I just couldn't understand as a child (cucumbers, olives etc.) but found they sell them in jars of brine - they’re rather nice. Eating them almost everyday and they’re making me feel very horny. Is that meant to happen? :)
I've got a band!
we haven't start to reharse yet
we will probely do it next week when our clean vocals vocalist well get back from USA
in the meanwhile we choose what song to play and i gave everyone the notes
Recent Developments:
1)Pain in the arse flatmate left, leaving me with more money, less stress, thus more money to waste on stringed instruments and amplifiers :D

2)Managed to not move after living somewhere for a year. Also good. Means still get to practice at obscene volumes :)

3)Have got a cat now due to new flatmates. Cat's are cool, and it's up at night when I ncan't sleep, so I get to throw things and watch it fetch. Fun :D

4)Discovered using marmite for cooking. Very nice, makes lots of things taste good :)

5)Curtains. After not having a pair for ages (11months, used a sheet and a plank of wood) I went and bought some. Now the busses can't see me running around my room stark naked, but everything has it's disadvantages :lol:

I still don't understand cucumbers, except if females eat them in suggestive ways. THat has to be their only purpose, because it sure isn't for the taste...
If recently = anything less than 2 years, then I'd say nothing has occurred in my life that has changed it for the better. It's actually been going in the opposite direction.

In a weird way, though, one thing has added some positive to life - the purchase of our new car back in February - a PT Cruiser. Since we purchased the car, we've gone to various PT Cruiser events, including a 4-day jaunt to Niagara Falls. I never knew there was such a cliche with PT Cruiser owners, but we've enjoyed these events nonetheless - and enjoyed them as a family which I think is cool. I wasn't expecting my kids to like going to "car shows", but they do. And, I have never been a car person before, but I'm turning into one. I've been modifying this car for a while, and that's been enjoyable.
Originally posted by Don Corleone
itay, what are you playing with you band? you're playing the electric guitar there?

yeah, i play lead guitar
but i wanna do some death vocals too! :cry:
nobody except me and the drummer likes metal :cry:

hey wait a second, I just remember that the girl who plays the bass wants me to loan her a CoB album...
maybe we do have a chance for metal!!! :D

anyway, we'll start by playing 3 covers, and 1 piece that i wrote:

*Itay - Supernova (temp. name)

*Beatles - Elanor Rigby (instruMETAL version)

*Children of bodom - Every time i die (maybe i'll get lucky and i'll do the vocals, if not then our vocalist will do it in clean style... that will be intresting :p)

*Vivaldi - concerto for 2 violins (transcribed for 2 guitars :p)
Not working for 2 months. Exclusively been drinking a lot with
friends, listening to music, enjoying the sun and being a loser at
UM. I have become real good at enjoying life and now I am more
ready than ever to start on my final studies in august.

Less fucking worries about: Money, bitches, work and other shit
that prevents enjoying life! So from now on I will study harder,
take it easier on the partying (but party hard when I'm first at it),
and enjoy life more, because all those worries makes you a
lesser person and prevents a more positive expression in life...
or something like that...
I have ALOT less stress ever since I read a book called Manifesting Your Destiny and started to follow some of the ideas.