The Greys said:
None. Bands sound like shit live.
not really, my favorite live band is slipknot, cuz they play songs very closely to studio versions and they put on 1 crazy ass show...and if a band cant pull it off live, then it sucks
Death Animal said:
Iron Maiden. They got the energy and Bruce Dickinson charisma.
How he can he sing at all when he is always jumping in the stages.

Bruce Dickenson is an amazing singer without question. But if your asking how he can sing when he;s jumping on stage, then you'll be amazed at how corey taylor, jumps, headbangs and screams through a very-hard-to-breathe-through mask
yes, but you see, dickenson has to keep pitch. taylor just has to keep breathing, which is somthing i wish he would stop doing
Gamma Ray: High energy, very precise and tight, and Kai is a killer singer live (as well as lead guitarist).

Jag Panzer: Very in-your-face with lots of energy and Harry Conklin has probably the best stage presence of any frontman I have seen, not to mention killer vocals. The guitarists are also very good at interacting with the crowd. Although their studio work is great I do not feel it comes close to their live performance.

Blind Guardian: Well they are kinda boring as far as stage presence but they create a certain atmosphere with their fans that is just epic.
well the worst band live is Trapt, I didn't really watch them play at the fillmore cuz I was there for my freinds band, Strata, and Trapt's singer dances around on stage like a frickin reject pop-star....honestly they should just not perform live at all. And the next day I hear on the radio "dude, did you see trapt play live? O yea, they were awsome!" ????? They should die... anyways Strata www.stratadirect.com check them out :)
Susperia said:
Well, I don't go to very many live shows, I feel like I don't fit in, however I try and see Hypocrisy whenever I can live.

I have seen them a couple weeks ago. Damn I don;t know, but I thought they were boring, but it's also because of the style they play and that they played after Exodus.
I've seen some classic bands, on classic tours - like Sepultura on the "Arise" tour, Kreator on the "Coma of Souls" tour and Anthrax and Maiden in 1990.
But honestly, the best performance I've ever seen was Def Leppard a couple of years ago - they were brilliant.