what's everyones favourite food?

The way I see it, you can't go wrong with chicken wings. They're good anytime.

I'm also a big fan of chicken burritos from Chipotle.

A good t-bone or sirloin steak is quite acceptable as well.

Who here has read the book "Lords of Chaos" (mostly about the 'founding' black metal scene in the early 90s). Does anyone remember the name of the european bm band where one guy said something like the band fell apart because he was really into the music and the darkness and everything, but the two other guys in the band were more interested in eating and 'hamburgers' and stuff...?

I'm totally serious here, I remember reading this. :lol: I'm going to try to find it. Who knows what I'm talking about here?
Does anyone remember the name of the european bm band where one guy said something like the band fell apart because he was really into the music and the darkness and everything, but the two other guys in the band were more interested in eating and 'hamburgers' and stuff...?

Yeah I read it when it came out in 1998... Interesting read, don't remember much though. The band is Old Funeral.

Page 149 in the 1st edition (1998) - Chapter 8 about Varg Vikernes
What was the band you played in, Old Funeral, like?
These guys were just interested in eating. They didn't care about my sawed-off shotgun or my dynamite, or any thing of this things. They were just interested in hambugers and food, they had no absolutely no interest in the weapons that I liked. Eventually I also lost interest in my weapons as well. Then came more music, and an interest in occultism developed.
Haha, that's bizarre - I haven't touched Lords of Chaos for a few years, and I picked it up today just to have a flick through, and that Varg interview (about the weapons and hamburgers) is what I ended up reading.