What's in an interface/drivers?


formerly Skeksis268
Dec 30, 2008
Coventry, UK
How much difference do different interfaces really make to performance at low latency?
The only normal interface i've ever used extensively is an m-audio profire 2626 (used a soundscape SSHDR1 before that but that doesn't really count I guess). If, for example, I bought a fireface of some description would i expect better low latency performance?
A presumption i've always made is that pci-e > pci > firewire, is this really true in all cases? How much difference does it really make?
It's actually more like this as far as potential goes, PCI(E)> USB > FireWire... The new Fireface UC/UFX/Babyface and the M-Audio Fast Track Ultra 8 are all USB devices and perform with 0.5ms of the best PCI interfaces. FireWire has an inherent latency built into the protocol itself. Its still obviously quite fast and not noticeable, but I just really wanted to make this post because USB gets a bad rep that it doesn't really deserve just because few audio companies have ever made the effort to write quality USB drivers. I would drop my Profire 2626 for a FFUC or UFX in a heartbeat if it made sense financially, just because I would much rather be using a quality USB device that will work with any computer built in the last 5 years than use a FireWire device whose compatibility is only really guaranteed on an Apple machine because of how shitty FireWire is implemented these days on PCs :/
cool, I would love to use USB, firewire has caused me no end of problems. Still, PCI-e seems like a more stable solution as i don't have to think about the vagaries of usb chips
Earlier this year I bought a Cakewalk (by Roland) V-Studio 100 and it has pretty good performance over a USB 2.0 connection, however they just released new drivers utilizing what Roland is referring to as it's new VS Streaming drivers that were created for their new USB 2.0 10 in 10 out Octa-
Capture interface - these drivers provide ultra low latency with great stability.

I think regardless of the interface type - PCI, Fire Wire, USB, ... if the company does not create or frequently update their drivers to improve performance, the best interface in the world becomes a useless piece of crap if it;s drivers suck. I always look and do research to see what people are saying about a companies capabilities to write good drivers and/or frequently update them to correct problems and/or add new technology as Roland did with these new drivers for my V-Studio 100.

I'm GASing for on of the Octa-Capture units to increase the preamp ins on my V-Studio 100 as it can be used just for that purpose.

to me, driver support is the most important thing...i have a rme card and they are great support wise