Interface upgrade - from RME Multiface to ..... ?


Apr 29, 2008
So here's my current situation:

at the studio I have an RME Multiface that I pretty much love. I can't really speak for the converters themselves but they are the best that I have owned so far and the drivers for this thing are unbelievable, in every way possible.

I don't want to have to bring the thing back and forth just to mix/edit at home, and I have had a few different interfaces here at home but they either broke or were borrowed or etc and long story short now I have to bring my multiface and pci card back and forth. unacceptable.

so I'm thinking, why don't I get something with really awesome converters for tracking at the studio, and just keep the multiface here and home for mixing?

here are my questions:

What is the next step up in converters that RME makes?

How much impact do converters have while mixing exclusively in the box?

Are the firewire RME interfaces as rock solid and as low latency as the PCI ones?
I THINK the Fireface conversion is already one step above the Multiface, as the Multiface is like 10yo maybe. The newest Fireface UC looks very sexy.