What's in My Player at the moment:

Status Minor- Dialog: Symphony X/Circus Maximus style

Whyzdom- From the Brink of Infinity: symphonic gothic metal with femal vocals

Twin Spirts- The Forbidden City:
http://www.twinspirits.net/: melodic prog (think Dreamscape) with a fantastic gritty vocalist

Darzamat- Solfernus Path: symphonic beauty/beast approach

Holy Cross- Under the Flag: old school power with tons of Iced Earth influence

Paradise Lost- Faith Divides Us: No description necessary.

Evile- Infected Nations: My favorite new thrash band out there.

Pearl Jam- Backpacer: Return to the days of Yield. "Just Breathe" is the new "Black" for anyone that has lost someone to tragedy.


I really dig those two female gothic bands, Glenn. Darzamat is REALLY DARK AND HEAVY!!! haha. Good stuff. The latter three are bands I've known and like of course.
Let's see here...looks like a lot of the same, but here are some of mine:

Redemption - Snowfall on Judgement Day
Prymary - The Enemy Inside
Twinspirits - The Forbidden City
The Kickass - Death Metal Is For Pussies (some very crazy technical metal here!)
Spock's Beard - V (got to love the classics)
Guilt Machine - On This Perfect Day (jury is still out on this one)
Trusties - Human Wheel (one of my favorite releases of the year)
Subsignal - Beautiful and Monstrous (folks from Sieges Even, Dreamscape, Sun Caged, but a lot lighter than I expected)
Atmosfear - Zenith (excellent album, but it took a couple of listens)
Daedalus - The Never Ending Illusion (I can't even begin to describe how much I like this album)

and a couple from this very forum -

Vangough - Manikin Parade
Paradox - Electrify (really liking the hell out of this one)

That's about it.
Today im listening to (or have already listened to)

Blind Guardian - Battle Field
some of the new Seven Kingdoms CD (Is that Tacky that I listened to my own band? LOL)
Stratovarius - Hunting High and Low
Stratovarius - Phoenix
Stormwarrior - Tons of that ranging from their old stuff to the new cd. Getting ready for Prog Power XI!!!!
Hammerfall - no day is complete without some legacy of kings :)
Avantasia - The Toy Master
Delain - the whole CD, trying to get into some PPXI Bands.
Edguy - Tears of a Mandrake

this is usually a basic day for me. Of course since there on my ipod along with thousands of other songs, every day is different, but this is my basic foundation for the last few weeks.
Been jumping around between Pain of Salvation, Nile, Coheed & Cambria, and Swallow the Sun.
God Dethroned, Passiondale

Passiondale is an awesome album, it's been consistently kicking my ass since it was released in April. The (albeit short-lived) return of Roel on drums really shows, it's way more in the vein of Bloody Blasphemy than The Toxic Touch. Definitely one of my favorites for the year.

Been listening to a lot of God Dethroned & Moonspell lately, seeing them both next weekend so sort of getting ready. Other than them, been listening mainly to whatever pops up on shuffle. Tarot's "Crows Fly Black" has been getting steady rotation in my car, though.

Have to give this thread props, though, I had no idea there were new albums from Paradise Lost and Agathodaimon, so, there's two to check out right there.