Whats in YOUR guitar case?


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
In my Warlocks bag i have picks, a spare strap, a whammy bar and all the flyd Rose tools and a 9v battery.

Inmy Hardshell JAckson Case i have Battery, FLoyd Tools, a Yngwie tab book and a BLS cd.
in my Epiphone gig bag i have nothing. . .because i only use my epi for IN Flames stuff.

in my Jackson/charvel Hardshell case i have my strap, and when i have batteies i have my wireless transmitter in there too. oh and my bar.

i have a box for all my tools, parts picks, knobs, batteries, screws and shit. . .all post a pic later.

ill soon be putting that in a drawer, in my rack, along with extra cables, 12 sets of strings, and a bunch of other random shit.

like this. . .
at the moment??
some pics (dunlop 1.14mm,) extra set of strings (ernieball skinnytop/heavy bottom,) some notebook paper, a bunch of random tab printouts (dont even know what they are,) my multitool, my strap, an alan wrench, but no guitar. the guitar is on my floor with the pickguard off and some of the wires cut w/ the ends stripped so that i can solder them back on soon as i pick up some solder at the hardware store. the case is just a run-of-the-mill soft gig bag
Well two axes and two cases:

Case one
Ibanez rg320qx(? It is red maple transparent) 8 picks, a whammy bar, two cables, a pod xt, more cables, a couple of sets of strings, something that looks like old gum?? and a lock in strap and tuner.

Case number deux:
a black Ibanez rg7420, six picks, a whammy bar, a folder with printed tabs from the net, flash stick memory card with to much guitar shit on it to mention, a condom??(wtf this isn't mine either, I will have to look into this!), a lock in strap, some more strings and couple of pictures of needled's mom! :lol:
in my Warwick case:

Kramer Pacer Custom I '88 , one additional pick (as I always keep the primary one in my wallet), whammy bar, 2 cables, zoom505II, spare E, H strings, Dunlop string roller, Dunlop 65 and 02 liquids, wide strap with locks, some towel for guitar/hand cleaning

@ Mammoth: you perv :lol: I bet this condom lasted from the last time you visited needleds mom hahaha
BodomiC said:
@ Mammoth: you perv :lol: I bet this condom lasted from the last time you visited needleds mom hahaha

So its mammoth thats shagging her? No wonder she has been so pissed off lately.
Mammoth said:
Oh let me guess... The Metal Maiden?

Well actually I think Tut's little leather gimp brother is in the leftmost one! :lol: Carried by no other than Enrique Iglesias!!!!


I love in that movie these guys just show up and do nothing but die.