What's Pure Sweet Hell up to?

Last I heard (about a month ago ) they'd be trying to do some stuff the first part of April--all subject to change I'm sure. Depends on how the Nevermore goes I guess, and that bands schedule. They say we're in for "surprises" as in who may or may not do guest work with them. I'm happy! I get the feeling we'll see a new PSH before we see the new Nevermore. Dunno though, 'cause I'm talking out my ass again! OOPS!

I think they'd be the best to give us an update, and there are no messages for the group @ yahoo. But if they do give an official update through their message group, I'm sure one of the board members will make a thread. :)

Hey people,
I'm not logged on and my computer is screwing up, but if this goes through, I'll write an update. Thanks for asking about us!!!

O.k. I think everything's cool now! Sorry that I've neglected this site for so long!!! I figured that people were tired of hearing me talk about my band! Here's what we've been up to...

Most of the Nevermore album is finished. Van's been done for a few weeks now. We have 15 songs ready to record and have booked time in Curran Murphys' Smiley Sound Studio. I'll be in Seattle between April 11th-23rd. I've been working on the guitar,bass and keyboard programming and am ready to go! Van's just finished the final lyrics and is ready to start working out on the kit. It's tougher for him to do the drums than the vocals because we've never played the songs together before we get in the studio! We'll press 10-12 of the songs and the rest will go on another future e.p. or on one release with the original demo. I can't wait!!!!!!!!! Don't get too excited about guests. We've got a few but really want to prove that we can make a big noise on our own! Van's voice is sounding very heavy and he's trying to diversify the sound of it on each track. There's going to be a very eclectic mix of styles and sounds on the album. The 1st demo sounds very one dimensional in comparison! I'm very excited about it and hope that some people will be as well!!!

Talk to you soon!

when I saw your name on the side, my words were


yeah, anyway, sounds great!
AAArrrgh people!!
No food-fight here, please!! :lol:

"Van's voice is sounding very heavy and he's trying to diversify the sound of it on each track. There's going to be a very eclectic mix of styles and sounds on the album"

HAH!!! I knew it!!
Pure Sweet Hell 's a squid, too!!! ;)
Ok, this might look weird to ya, if you haven't been on the board lately Christ, but Chromatose's avatar is quite popular in these waters!
Well, keep up the good work, it all sounds good!
Hope for you all, it'll work out fine!

xxx Iris xxx
Sorry folks!!! I was in a goofy mood last night! It's not nice to assault people with cheese and curses. Thanks for the encouragement Iris. We'll make the album as cool as we're able. What's a squid?!! How are we a multi-tentacled sea creature?!!!

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