What's Shakin' your tin?

Dan Swano's latest project Witherscape is amazing!
Check out their only album, The Inheritance. It's akin to the last few works of Edge of Sanity, with the clean and growls mixed through. Very Opeth at times too, but the good Blackwater Park stuff.
Im hanging for the new Carcass i wont listen to it until i have the cd in my hands!

Bought a Kansas 5 pack today from JB for $19.99 they heaps of other 5 album packs too like Dokken, Megadeth, Steve Vai, Satriani.
Ive been listening to 3 albums:

Avenged Sevenfold - Hail to the King

It's ok. It's pretty good...
Not as good as Nightmare which I honeslty think they will be hard pressed trying to top.
It's just.... Some of the songs on Hail to the King sound so familar.
Well... Have a listen to the song called THIS MEANS WAR (below), and tell me it does not remind you of SAD BUT TRUE.
The tempo and vocal melody in the verses is almost an exact lift of the Metallica classic.

But then, have a listen to COMING HOME which has a pretty cool Maiden vibe going on.
This one is not an obvious rip off like THIS MEANS WAR... But you can tell it is influenced by Maiden.

the album is not bad as a whole.. Ive only listened 2 or 3 times so far though.

Haken - The Mountain
My first listen to these guys.
Heavy prog with some cool guitar and organ solos throughout.
Will take a few more spins for it to sink in and form an opinion

James LaBrie - Impermanent Resonance
Hmm... It's ok. Not a huge fan of this Gothenburg style though.
Wish he would go back to making albums in the style of the 2 brilliant Mullmuzzler albums
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I find the new Avenged Sevenfold album very Black Album as a whole, a decent band dumbing down their 'sound' rather boring really. There was stuff I liked and with more listens it might grow, but first listen it is very stale.

Also listened to the new Watain, not what I expected, but really unsure what I expected
I'll watch the clips on that page when my daughter's not watching a movie on the other monitor. Sounds like they did what Steel Panther did on Feel the Steel though - that album has lots of obvious, deliberate references.

I just started listening to the Vista Chino (Kyuss Lives) album on Spotify. Sounds good so far. But yeah, I paused it when the little'un had to get her Pixar fix.
Albums i have been enjoying lately are
Lord Digital Lies
Metal Proving our Mettle
Metreya Machines of War

and the standout album of the year
Taberah Necromancer

also one album i listened to for the first time in ages is
Nitocris Screaming Delorous which i just realised was realeased 20 years ago!