What's the best or your favorite Hypocrisy album?


Nov 19, 2002
Boston, MA USA
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This has probably been asked a million times, but I'm new to Hypocrisy's music. I just recently completed buying all of Hypocrisy's albums (except 'Penetralia'), & I believe w/out a doubt, their self-titled work is their best piece of work to date! (That is if 'Penetralia' sounds like 'Osculum Obscenum') 'Osculum' is my second favorite album so far. And is 'Penetralia' a kick ass record? I have to special order it. What do you guys like the most?
Hi, ds336, welcome to the hypo fan community :wave:
Look at page 3, there does already exist a best album thread and a poll!
My favorite album is also the s/t, it is a real masterpiece!
Penetralia, is classic brutal and fast death metal, as it is their first album it's interesting to listen to their roots and therefore a must have in every Hypocrisy collection :rock:
Liandrin, I think Masse is the most evil sounding death- metal vocalist I've ever heard. His vocals definitely wouldn't fit the music Hypocrisy made after he was gone. Why is Masse not w/ Hypocrisy anyway?
Masse definitely has an ideal death voice. Penetralia is an absolute classic, and even though Hypocrisy's sound has evolved, it's still very obviously the same band. I'd have to say that Into The Abyss is my overall favorite, however. I think it best epitomizes that brutal groove that they've perfected, especially in songs like Sodomized. It's all good though!!
All their albums are swell :D ..but however I prefer Adbucted for the heaviest guitar sound on the whole collection...also because it has fast and brutal songs but when close to the end of the cd, it fades into a slower overall. "Roswell 47", "Buried", "When the candle fades" and "Slippin' away" are def. my favorites of Abducted.
Osculum is better than Penetralia, but what collection would be complete without it? :) Try ebay.com I found my copy for a lot cheaper than the special order.

My favorites are Abducted and the self-titled. Masse has a good voice for death metal, but not for what Hypocrisy became after he left.
My favorites would be Abducted, The Final Chapter and Hypocrisy... not sure which one I prefer the most... 10 Years is also quite good, in terms of the collection of songs and the rerecorded material... About Masse - isn't he the guy from Dark Funeral anyways? He's doing the black vocals + guitar, as far as I know
Jaim - I guess I was right then... no wonder Peter produced all Dark Funeral albums hehe... their latest one was not bad at all, but it gets boring somehow..