whats the fuckin deal with TL?


wizard in black
Dec 17, 2001
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christ. TL/rebirth is a fuckin lunatic man. he hates POE, but likes that little poser agvil lagavine (or howver you spell her ho ass name). he doesnt know sound of silence is a cover. he makes outrages comments that dont make any fucking sense. how anyone here still is nice to him is fucking beyond me. i guess its just becuase hes from the old board. but i mean damn. hes like your crazy senile old grandpa that people just patronize so he doesnt get all cranky and start ranting and raving about nothing in particular.
I think he's about the biggest dick I've ever met (well, not met, but you get what I mean). I generally ignore his nonsensical bullshit because a) he's proven himself to be mentally deficient time and time again and b) because it isn't worth my time to waste on such a loser.

Hope that answers your question.
big joker.... haha... still there are some things to figure out, but it's getting obvious.....

YOu just have to KNOW him. For me its has nothing to do with him being an older memebr. He and i understand each other well. We have for a long time.
Well, actually, its only stupid stuff on teh outside. If you read into it, its chocked to THE TEETH with truth.for the most part. He may step over the line, but ..................
sure, your right. HE just doesnt like POE. and he preaches his likes and dislikes. We do as well, just in a different way.

HEy, guirilla turd thinks i want to fuck DNDS. WHat about that prick, his mind is in the gutter hey? WHats wrong with she and i havnig a bit of clean convo from time to time. Same with you and I you know.
sure, i always have a list. Weather it be ppl from this forum to attack, or other forums. I dont right them down or anything. Just a mental note you know..