What's the news with Evergrey?


Feb 19, 2006
I see they're on a European tour currently, but anyone know what's going on after that? a US tour, working on new material, taking a break??

also is Fredrik Larsson going to be a permanent replacement on bass? Thanks
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I have also heard that a new Evergrey album will be released around May. I can't remember where I read it at but I know that I did read it.
...perhaps on evergrey.net? :p

"The new album is currently scheduled to begin recording in February through March with a tentative release date set for May 2007."
If they are currently shopping for a new label as Deron says, then I would bet that the May 2007 date is no longer a possibility unless that situation gets resolved very soon.
where did Deron read they are shopping for a new label? well i know their contract with inside out finished, but maybe they already had a deal with another label in place so it was more just a case of getting a new album recorded and released
Hopefully they manage to update soon. Most likely sometime throughout the month, if the album is to be recorded February through March C= Just a guess, though.
I sent an email to check on the status of a merchandise order I placed this past Monday. Fredrik happened to be the one to respond saying that it had been shipped. So, I sent him an email thank you when it arrived and said that I would let him take a break from his shipping duties so that he could get back to more important things - like recording the new Album!

(So far he hasn't replied to that...) :lol:

However, using my extensive powers of deduction and observation (garnered from watching the the three CSI shows for years now) I have come to the following conclusion:

Since Fredrik packaged and shipped my items personally then he must be in the same location as the merchandise itself. Recalling footage from the DVD when Tom is giving the tour of their studio he points out the merchandise shelves, so logically one can deduce that Evergrey are currently in the studio recording their latest metal masterpiece (or at least Fredrik is laying down his bass parts.)

I mean this is the only explanation that makes sense, right? :headbang:
Im seeing them in Melbourne, Australia on the 12th of May. Im hoping they play at least one new song from the up coming album. Damn, I cant wait to see them:kickass:
Since Fredrik packaged and shipped my items personally then he must be in the same location as the merchandise itself. Recalling footage from the DVD when Tom is giving the tour of their studio he points out the merchandise shelves, so logically one can deduce that Evergrey are currently in the studio recording their latest metal masterpiece (or at least Fredrik is laying down his bass parts.)

I mean this is the only explanation that makes sense, right? :headbang:

For some reason, I still have the impression that they no longer work in that place that was shown on the DVD? I think I read that in some interview after MMA was released. Could be that I'm wrong though :p