What's the worst movie you've ever seen?


Dec 8, 2007
You know, that one movie (or more) which left you wanting those two hours of your life back. Quite a few come to mind, but right now I'll stick to :

-Batman and Robin(1997)- not funny, Joel Schumacher.

-Catwoman (2004) - ok, she was hot. But seriously?

-In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale(2007)- *cringes*
Well, I'm gonna leave out the So Bad It's Good films like Turkish Rambo and consorts, so for films which could have been good, but were awful

Mortal Kombat, because seriously.

The Hitcher (yes The Hitcher!), for being such a praised film, I found it one huge clump of suck. The point where Rutger Hauer's character uses a thirtyeight out of his car window to shoot down a helicopter without even looking was the Dethroning Moment of Suck.

Street Fighter, because seriously.

Any other movie based on a game, except Silent Hill (which was great) and Tomb Raider (which I've been informed was not bad)

From Dusk Til Dawn. I strongly dislike anything Tarantino's got to do with, but this was just an awful piece of shit. Except for Salma Hayek *daydreams*

Dungeons & Dragons. They lure away a beholder by throwing a rock. *sigh*

Face/Off. Gratuitous bullshit shooting scenes strung together.
Tha Sistahood is the absolute worst. Everyone should watch it, I bet you cant find anything more awful. It was worse than 'Assault of the Killer Bimbos," which was also dreadful.

I loved/hated every minute of those two movies, it's hard to explain. It gets to a point where you actually feel embarrassed for the shitty directors/actors/writers/etc.
Avatar - Embodies everything that's wrong with current mainstream cinema. ZERO substance. Even "Gayniggers from Outer Space" is a masterpiece in comparison.

And if we're talking worst actor: Nicholas Cage, no contest. Makes Steven Seagal look like a masterful portrayer of heavily diverse characters.