What's up with all the noobs?

The last week or so, like cockroaches a bunch of new users show up from out of nowhere, decide its "cool" again to like Anthrax and act like they've been here the whole time.

What's up with that?

Maybe because of the fact that Anthrax hasn't been relevant since Persistence of Time? There are alot of Anthrax fans out there but the majority of them abandoned the band after SoWN because they saw the direction they were heading.

Now there is a buzz around the band again and, for the first time in a long, long time, they are regaining a bit of relevancy again. The return of the best vocalist the band has ever had, one who should have never been let go in the first place, tends to do that for a band.

There is no denying that this is the best Anthrax album since PoT, though I would still like it a bit 'thrashier'. I bet we will see them getting even more back to their roots after this album. I bet the next album comes out fairly quickly after this one, once Anthrax realizes how much popularity they regain after releasing an album with Joey.
Same as Esloan. I'm just not that big of a Bushthrax fan. I bought SOWN when it came out, and I thought it was pretty good, but lost my interest with Stomp 442. I like some of the Bushthrax songs, just not a huge fan of Bush's voice or the style of songs that came from that era. But I'm not totally closed off from that era. I happen to think Crush from Vol 8 is a kick ass song.

Didn't follow the band that much over the years. Regained interested with the 2005 reunion and I've been following the drama with the singers since Joey left in 2007, midly curious about what was going to happen next.

I found my self checking out this forum more and more since Joey rejoined, and with the possibilty of a new album gaining momentum, I eventually created an account. I didn't just show up out of nowhere for no reason. Changing a singer, changes the sound of the band. And besides that, I don't think not being apart of a forum means you're not that big of a fan. I'm a fan of lots of bands, I'm only a member on a few forums.
Glad to see new fans or even old fans who left years ago, you're all welcome!:wave:This band deserves millions of fans all over the world for what they've done and continue to do.
The last week or so, like cockroaches a bunch of new users show up from out of nowhere, decide its "cool" again to like Anthrax and act like they've been here the whole time.

What's up with that?

Thanks for the welcome :D. I've been a fan since 88 so it's really irrelevant as to how long I've been here. I'm not here because of the new album. I'm here because I'm an Anthrax fan. I've been browsing on and off since 2002 and the reason it took so long to join was because of all the bullshit. I know who the cool and reasonable peole are. :kickass:
i feel sorry for a few of the hardnuts that left over the years,they will prob come back under diff usernames so they dont have to eat there words about joey rockign the fuck outta the new album
Maybe because of the fact that Anthrax hasn't been relevant since Persistence of Time? There are alot of Anthrax fans out there but the majority of them abandoned the band after SoWN because they saw the direction they were heading...

Oh, shit! You wanna share why you abandoned your favorite band - for a period of almost 20 years? What a proud fan you are...
Thanks for the welcome :D. I've been a fan since 88 so it's really irrelevant as to how long I've been here. I'm not here because of the new album. I'm here because I'm an Anthrax fan. I've been browsing on and off since 2002 and the reason it took so long to join was because of all the bullshit. I know who the cool and reasonable peole are. :kickass:

I didn't even know this site existed until I found it last year trying to find out information on Nevermore's latest album. I looked around and decided to start posting here a few months ago because I actually wanted to talk about music and was excited that the band that introduced me to thrash was putting out an album with (for the most part) the line up I love.

I freely admit that if Bush were in the band, I wouldn't be posting on this board.
...I freely admit that if Bush were in the band, I wouldn't be posting on this board.

That's perfectly legit, but have you ever... got curious that, perhaps, your favorite band might have its own web page? Well, I did. In, I think, 2002. The website looked those days absolutely differently, but it had a link that led me to this forum. I never was a big poster, but always liked to read what these guys here were writing. Those days Charlie and Scott posted here too. Plus, unlike today there were some sharp thinking ladies among us as well.
That's perfectly legit, but have you ever... got curious that, perhaps, your favorite band might have its own web page? Well, I did. In, I think, 2002. The website looked those days absolutely differently, but it had a link that led me to this forum. I never was a big poster, but always liked to read what these guys here were writing. Those days Charlie and Scott posted here too. Plus, unlike today there were some sharp thinking ladies among us as well.

Anthrax weren't my favorite band at that time.

I'd been on their website but didn't do much except look for tour dates or news. I checked out one thread recently from a year ago how everyone was all pissy over Belladonna coming back so I probably wouldn't have posted anyways. If I want to stir shit, I'll go work in a barn.
Oh, shit! You wanna share why you abandoned your favorite band - for a period of almost 20 years? What a proud fan you are...

Do I wanna share why I abandoned Anthrax for almost 20 years? Hmm, yeah. I guess I can share that. You ready? Ok, here goes. Here is the reason why I abandoned them for almost 20 years, from SoWN to WCFYA:

Because those albums sucked.

So there you have it. Amazing, huh? A band you like suddenly stops making decent music and you no longer like them, funny how that works.
When the fuck did this board turn into an old lady sewing circle?

While some of you were abandoning Anthrax because St. Joey left, and some of you are pissed because Beelzedonna is back & St. John is not, some of us here were sad to see Joey leave but gave John a chance; we found we liked him a lot too. And we were sad when John left, but were happy that Joey was back.

Am I bummed that John is gone? Yes.
Am I stoked that Joey is back? Yes.
Am I stoked for the new album? FUCK YEAH.
When the fuck did this board turn into an old lady sewing circle?

While some of you were abandoning Anthrax because St. Joey left, and some of you are pissed because Beelzedonna is back & St. John is not, some of us here were sad to see Joey leave but gave John a chance; we found we liked him a lot too. And we were sad when John left, but were happy that Joey was back.

Am I bummed that John is gone? Yes.
Am I stoked that Joey is back? Yes.
Am I stoked for the new album? FUCK YEAH.

You, sir, are talking sense and there'll be none of that on this board.