What's up with all the noobs?

It should be a rule that both eras need to be treated with respect. You don't have to like everything, but at least show some fucking respect when posting here.

"Keep shit on topic and punches above the belt. Personal attacks on Anthrax members or other board members of any type will not be tolerated."

It is a rule. Since we have so many new posters here, maybe it's time to point out the rules...

im new here also and a fan since 89 but as soon as i joined here ive posted at least 10 - 12 bootlegs with dowload links from all eras of the band (see thread anthrax favourite boolegs whats yours) so i wouldnt call myself a cockroach:hahamiddlefinger:
This board was in their prime during 2003 anyway :)

oh and btw, so was Anthrax. But then Mr. Cohen and ZEN management came in and fucked everything up, and the rest is history.
ballix said:
im new here also and a fan since 89 but as soon as i joined here ive posted at least 10 - 12 bootlegs with dowload links from all eras of the band (see thread anthrax favourite boolegs whats yours) so i wouldnt call myself a cockroach:hahamiddlefinger:

I am really only referring to the IMF09 clones who are only here to start flame wars, and Joey vs. John nonsense. They know who they are, I welcome any new blood to the boards, that are Anthrax fans, just get annoyed by the douches.
IMO, new people are welcome, and old people are welcomed back. BUT: some of the people coming in are starting to push closer to 6er's level of douchebaggery.

Simply put, if you want people to respect your opinions, you need to respect other people's opinions. Otherwise you get what you deserve.

Not directed at anyone specific, FYI.