What's up with headbanging, anyway?!

My hair gets really tangled when I headbang, so I don't do it much unless I really get into what I'm playing on guitar or something.
Hmm.. I don't know, it's just something you feel compelled to do when hearing the good shit.
It's also pretty specific and systematic, it feels natural to do it as the music plays but in a certain rhythm and rate. If it's even a little off, it definitely feels really weird. This'll usually happen when there's an abrupt and unexpected change in the music and it takes you a second or two to adjust your headbanging to it.

I'd say, in general, the rate of headbanging correlates to the current rate of tom or snare hits by the drummer.. but other things may influence as well.

my uh.. 2 cents.
Hell yeah!!! One night after lots of drinking we drove home and listened to NILE! I was growling and headbanging the entire time! I felt great!!!!!!!!!

Fenrir13 said:
hehe...some metal I just can't help but headbang to. And of course the 'day after' stiff neck just shows how good a show is sometimes. :D
so fuckin true. after bodom's was the best.
to agree with Magsec, its a natural reaction to bob your head a bit when getting into the music (such as tapping toes) but when long hair came into play, it needed to be a bit faster to swing the hair around everywhere (and my hair will be that long again soon enough)
Everytime I do it, I get laughed at by my younger sisters. :oops: Not to mention my hair just goes crazy and puffs up. Not good not good yet I cant help myself sometimes. I also sometimes tend to move my head from side to side until I stop realizing I'm moving like Axl Rose. :roll eyes: