What's up with headbanging, anyway?!

Haha good question. I know when I just listen to certain songs and shit I just get that fuckin feeling to go nuts and start banging and whippen. Man.. I should buy a long hair wig for metal shows.... or grow it out!
Headbanging is awesome.. it's jsut fun, makes things fun, looks cool, good performance material... it's just cool... but only of ocurse, if you have a lot of hair.
Stand-Ablaze said:
When you have short hair headbanging just looks like your having a siezure.

spellbound-by-the-bodom said:
people with short hair trying to headbang is hilarous

Damn fucking right.. I have short hair and I don't give a fuck I get into the music and go insane, I fucking love concerts with passion.

SilentNightThrobbongNight said:
thats why hair is a great thing

Yeah it is... damn.

whoah that's a neck and a half...
Heading banging with short hair is not always gay, you just gotta get used to it. I mean look at Ihsahn and Satyr when they had bald shaved heads. It wasn't as cool as if theyhad long hair, but it was still a kick ass show and looked awesome.
Poona: I don't mind Richard winning all the time ebcause he goes through SO MUCH SHIT and torture all the time... I find the way it unfolds is brilliant