what's up with taking pics of the woods behind your house and using them for cd cover


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
seriously, all I'm seeing these days is bands releasing new cds with some picture of some woods as their cover. It's not even original anymore! If I want to see some woods, I'll just type woods in google damnit.



If the thread originally referred to this Klabautamann cover, I have to say 1-star because that cover fucking slays!

But yeah, some wood pics used for covers are just your casual wood pic, nothing mystical and otherwise special about them (see this Bergthron cover Erik Posted, meh).
Birkenau said:
if ever there was somebody i wanted to stab in the face

i dunno man, it's kinda lame but generic pics of woods>>>>>>>>>>generic pics of sorcerors, dragons, etc

incidentally, how is it that ansel adams's photos seem cliche when you think about the subject matter, but when you actually see a photo it melts your metal-loving skull off? most metal photographer ever :lol: :worship: