
Señor Member
Mar 25, 2003
Cleveland, OH USA
You'd think ProgPower just happened, or something. Sheesh, people... get a life. ;)

Okay, enough of my attention-hounding. I just want to mention that, along with Glenn and the ol'-school PP crew, I have a few new heroes as of this year:

Cindy Harveston - for not only being understanding and patient regarding her husband's time-and-energy-consuming pursuits, but for actually being a partner in them, taking tons of pressure off Glenn's back and helping things go smoothly (when so many spouses out there would probably just sit back and say "It's your thing, dear, good luck"), and for just being super cool on top of everything else. Kudos, Mrs. Harv! :worship:

Pagan's Mind - Anyone who knows my taste in music knows that I've never really been into this band. Not only did they put on a stellar live show on Friday, but they learned and performed an additional 22 songs for the All-Star Jam, helped keep the audience in a frenzy, and didn't get worn out doing it. Now THAT'S stamina. If I were a woman, I would soooo have sex with Pagan's Mind.

Justin (Mosquito) - for wielding a mighty sword of FIYAH and STEEEEEEL, for stellar video-editing ability, and for being able to keep one hell of a secret (actually, ten of them :lol: ).

All my old and new friends - I'm not going to mention any names, because then I'll have to mention all of them, and I'll wind up getting shit or feeling guilty for missing people. :)