What's your theme song?


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
What's the ONE song that sums you and your personality up the best? It's almost like you sat down and wrote the lyrics for that particular band to sing for you. Also, tell us why.

This is intended to be a fun thread, so have fun! :)

My theme song is:

Journey - "Be Good To Yourself"
That's one of my all time favorites and the lyrics just speak to me, not to mention it has killer melody. I feel like the song is saying take care of yourself, because you're the only one that will. It's not the responsibility of another person to see to it that you live life to the fullest, but your's and your's alone. :kickass:

Life's been good-Joe Walsh

Excellent song! Guess you figure you can't complain too much, huh?

I was really trying to pick just one for this and it's really hard, since there are so many songs that I feel the lyrics describe me. I guess if I have to pick just one for now it would be Threshold's - "This Is Your Life." I guess that song spoke so strongly to me because I frequently feel like I've got more on my plate then I can handle, but that I'm the only one who can take charge of my life and make what's got to happen actually happen.

A few others I considered:
Pat Benatar - "All Fired Up" (I'm always all fired up about something and moving too fast to keep up with myself.)
Judas Priest - "You've Got Another Thing Comin'" (I'm moving fast and I don't have time to waste with folks who are going to be petty or not hold their own.)
Billy Joel - "Only the Good Die Young" (This should be on any "good" Catholic girl's list. :lol:)

There's at least a dozen others, but I'll stop there. :D
yeah, I'm gonna say "Get a Life" or "Entertain Me" by Freak Kitchen since all I do is work then go home and sit on the computer...

"It's been one of those days I know I've got it comin'. The more I try the more I screw up everything..."
MxPx - Invitation To Understanding.

The singer is pleading the personified concept of Understanding to visit him, if even once, and even if for only a short time.

The concept of Foolishness is also personified.

I love the chorus where he is again speaking to Understanding:

If you come knockin' at my door
And I am not around
Foolishness came by and we're downtown
Please don't leave
Please come on in and make yourself at home
I know you're probably used to being alone

Oh, how many times in my younger life I went downtown when Foolishness came by, even though I craved Understanding, LOL!