What's the one song that makes you cringe?

And then there's my wife who now listens to contempary Christain music on the car stereo, which ranks very on high on the gag factor for me. And it's not because of the "message" as my wife thinks, it's because all the music on the Christain music station sounds very blase' and it's very sleep inducing to me. It might be more interesting if they played some Stryper once in a while.

:lol: This is cracking me up, because I can relate. I get saturated with the christian music industry living here in Johnson City, TN, so I'm very familiar with what's "popular" in that scene. In my humble opinion, if you've heard one praise song then you've heard em' all! It seems like every artist/band use the same lyrics, but just change up the melody here and there. The creative juices just don't seem to flow within that genre to me.

I love Dream Theater's music but absolutely hate James Labrie's voice,his voice is like the devil's nails scraping unceasingly on a planet size chalkboard,ack!
That green day song played during every slideshow/collage.

Haha "Another turning point/a fork stuck in the road... I hope you have the time of your life!"

Good choice for a cringe-worthy band. Boulevard of Broken Dreams irks me more though, as well as American Idiot (do they really think they're much better?).:Smug:
After Forever's cover of The Evil That Men Do.
It's as if the singer never heard the song before and read the lyrics 5 minutes before singing them. No offense to anyone, but it really does make me cringe.
I think my vote goes to "Rehab" by Amy Winehouse. I never understood why the Billie Holiday-styled vocals were so popular over sixty years ago, and I can't imagine why anyone would want to emulate that style now. To make matters worse, the song has that annoying techno-drum sound going from start to finish. Am I the only person who wants to take a steamroller to this chick's throat?

Stay metal. Never rust.

I think this song was on once when I was waiting for a hair appointment and I got so angry I almost left. Instead I just turned the volume up on my phone and played with the calculator until it was over.

And to follow up on things said earlier, Andre Matos really makes me cringe. Angra is one of my favorite bands, but hearing "Lullaby for Lucifer" just ruins it for me.
Nearly every ballad by Nightwish makes me want to throw up. Yes, Tuomas, life is painful and hard, especially now that you have lost your innocence and become an ocean soul. Thank you for telling me again and again. :Puke:
Nearly every ballad by Nightwish makes me want to throw up. Yes, Tuomas, life is painful and hard, especially now that you have lost your innocence and become an ocean soul. Thank you for telling me again and again. :Puke:

I don't know this Amy Winehouse song everyone is talking about.....it must be awful! I don't know if I want to youtube it to find out HOW bad it really is or just live life never knowing?!?!?!

I don't know this Amy Winehouse song everyone is talking about.....it must be awful! I don't know if I want to youtube it to find out HOW bad it really is or just live life never knowing?!?!?!

Trust me..........it's BAD. Worse even than the theme song of the old Doogie Howser M.D. series. Worse than William Shatner's rendition of "Mr. Tamborine Man". Worse even than any of that venom spewed by William Hung.

Try to imagine if you would a mix of the voice of Jar Jar Binks, an incontinent cat, fingernails being dragged across a chalkboard, a chorus of jackhammers, and any of the many public speaking gaffes committed by our President all rolled up into a big musical abomination and you just might grasp the concept of how horrible the "Rehab" song is. :Puke:
Any Guns N Roses song will do the trick of making me physically ill
hmmm, William Shatner's "Lucy! In the Sky! With...Diamonds!" is a real fingernails-on-blackboard song for me, come to think of it. Leonard Nimoy's.....incomparable...(really)... "Ballad of Bilbo Baggins" is, too.

And yes, I have the combined CD where those two albums were crammed together. Filed under comedy, of course.