What's the one song that makes you cringe?


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
What's the one song that makes you cringe, your skin crawl, or just flat out makes you want to fling yourself off of a building when you hear it? :lol: It can be any genre, but I doubt it's a metal song from our crew. ;)

The one song that makes me want to :puke: the most is from a band called, Lonestar. It's a country band and they sing a song called "I'm Already There." Whoever signed this band to a major record label ought to be shot in my opinion. The lead singer has one of the most annoying voices I've ever heard! :ill: My co-worker listens to the soft rock station in our office and they play this song at least once a day much to my dismay. :zombie:

So, what's yours?

Some country song that goes "If I Just Lay Here" drives me up the wall. I have a buddy that has that attached to his cell phone. If he doesn't answer it goes into this tone deaf song, and sends me over the edge. What a terrible tune.

As for a metal tune .. one of the worst tunes I've ever heard is from Angra ... Z.I.T.O. I hate the vocals on that tune with a white hot fire of 1,000 burning suns.

I dont know who sings it but my mother loves this song:

"Honky Tonk Badonkadonk"

I dont know if the spelling is right on the last abomination of the english language.
I dont know who sings it but my mother loves this song:

"Honky Tonk Badonkadonk"

I dont know if the spelling is right on the last abomination of the english language.

Heh. Trace Adkins. The song annoys me, but the video's enjoyable.

The one song that annoys me so badly I *must* turn it off? No Doubt's "Spiderwebs". Unfortunately, my cover band's playing it, so I have to hear it A LOT. :(
Well, in various forms of pop, there are really too many. In prog metal, I don't listen to most cringeworthy stuff repeatedly. Most of the time, I stop abusing myself.

One exception is Eternity X - The Edge. I love the keyboard work on the album. The vocals are mostly bad, but bearably so - with the exception of that falsetto opera crap in Track 4 - The Edge Part 2...(The Looking Glass). Yikes. What the hell was he thinking?

Another exception is Green Carnation's Light of Day, Day of Darkness in the middle section where the moaning off-key chick starts doing her thing. I went thru a phase where I found it positively awful but yet still arty though completely non-arousing. I've grown past this and my hand flies subconsciously to the fast-forward button when I get to that part. I'm just going to have to make an edit one of these days.

Despite cringing, I've learned to live thru the lispy dork narrator who infects the Rhapsody and After Forever discs.

And then there's anything originally done by Kate Bush covered by a metal band, ie - Angra - Suffering Heights, Within Temptation - Throwing Up That Hill, etc Yick.
Joe-×;6329379 said:
Well, in various forms of pop, there are really too many. In prog metal, I don't listen to most cringeworthy stuff repeatedly. Most of the time, I stop abusing myself.

One exception is Eternity X - The Edge. I love the keyboard work on the album. The vocals are mostly bad, but bearably so - with the exception of that falsetto opera crap in Track 4 - The Edge Part 2...(The Looking Glass). Yikes. What the hell was he thinking?

Another exception is Green Carnation's Light of Day, Day of Darkness in the middle section where the moaning off-key chick starts doing her thing. I went thru a phase where I found it positively awful but yet still arty though completely non-arousing. I've grown past this and my hand flies subconsciously to the fast-forward button when I get to that part. I'm just going to have to make an edit one of these days.

Despite cringing, I've learned to live thru the lispy dork narrator who infects the Rhapsody and After Forever discs.

And then there's anything originally done by Kate Bush covered by a metal band, ie - Angra - Suffering Heights, Within Temptation - Throwing Up That Hill, etc Yick.
About Light of day, DOD...
What do you mean? I love the WHOLE song and is probably one of the best songs Ive ever heard. No exaggeration. I get what you're saying tho':lol:

For me,
Some song called "Suddenly I See" by KT Tungstall I think...
I hear it at work at least 4 horrendous times a day. Makes me want to uppercut my monitor and then the secretary for leaving the station on.
Everytime she goes "Sittin' on top of the world...on top of the wooorrlldd"
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:ill: :puke:
That Gwen Stefani song where she spells out the word "banana", over and over again. Talk about an all-time low in lyric writing.


That would be the horrific "Hollaback Girl" song and I completely agree with you. This song has no redeeming characteristics at all. I abhor it. It makes Leonard Nimoy's rendition of "I Walk The Line" actually sound GOOD.

Hands down the most cringe-worthy song I've had the misfortune of subjecting my ears to is Dontcha by the Pussycat Dolls.:puke:

That and the milkshake song are the worst especially since every comedy seems to think using those songs involving someone unattractive trying to be sexy is the funniest thing in the world. I'll only forgive Blades of Glory for that slip because Will Ferrel can do no wrong.
Joe-×;6329379 said:
One exception is Eternity X - The Edge. I love the keyboard work on the album. The vocals are mostly bad, but bearably so - with the exception of that falsetto opera crap in Track 4 - The Edge Part 2...(The Looking Glass). Yikes. What the hell was he thinking?

Gotta repectfully disagree with you on this disc. It's one of my top 5 all time fav CDs. Keith's vocals are not unlike A LOT of Prog vocalists. Anyway, if you understand the theme of the CD, the screeching falsettos have a purpose. THAT would definitly fall under this topic!!

Cgris :headbang:
Most of you that know me are not gonna BELIEVE this answer!! The first thing that popped into my mind was off TSO's Beethoven's Last Night - The second song Jon Oliva :worship: (gosh, this is close to blasphemous for me!! :loco:) sings - he plays the devil and the song deals with the possibility of tourturing a young homeless girl. I love this CD, but cannot listen to those lyrics.

Chris :headbang: