Whats wrong with my POD?!


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2010
I have a POD HD400, and pretty much all my tones sound awful. It seems I have to have a screamer and the gain way up to have it sound even close to decent. And anything I try to make with the Fireball sound like poop. Here's a recording of a fireball patch: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=1064872
and here's the settings:

Please help! :erk:
Are you sure the POD is the problem? I never used the POD HD, but that mp3 sounds really messed up, like a broken cable or guitar jack.
If you have active pickups they may need a new battery. And yes see if you've bypassed the amp accidentally, or the gate is at something ridiculous like -1dB.
I don't know how Pods work but this kind of sound reminds me of when I forget to turn the "Instrument" switch on on my Saffire Pro40, like if there was a very tiny bit of sound entering into the (virtual) amp. Hope this can help you a bit
Yes it can be a dying battery. When i first installed my emg pickup into my guitar i accidently connected the the 4 pin connecter to the emg wrong, and i was having the same sound you got. I later examined the connected and i realized i connected it wrong. I fixed it and now my guitar sounds amazing. Is it only sounding like that on your pod? If not then it can be a guitar problem whether it being bad connection or battery.
lol....you must of not listened to the mp3. I know PODs don't have amazing tones but it sounds pretty much broken.

true ... I was on my mobile :p

the others have said it though ... check your battery and then check to make sure you don't have something switched off / bypassed on the POD
What have you got the input 1 and 2 set to? (top left corner in HD Edit)

Their is a bug on the pod hds which has the input 2 set to guitar which overdrives your signal and makes all your patches way over distorted and muddy. Set it to Variax to clear things up and start programming your patches again. I've sold my HD since but I think the latest firmware addressed this issue or at least made people aware of it.
Without listening the clip, as Daniel already said there is something wrong, start troubleshooting from the top and go to the bottom:

- Does your guitar sound like ass on a real amp too? If "No", it's not the guitar
- Does the POD sound better if you change the battery on your guitar? If "No", it's not the battery
- Does the POD sound good with another guitar? If "No", it's not the guitar
- Does the POD sound good/better with another cable(s)? If "No", it's not the cable(s)
- By looking at your settings they look pretty much like what I would NOT use... Drive at ~30%, Mids at max!?!? Does the POD sound good with another preset, like similar to "the patch" on my signature? If "No", it's not the settings
- Is the guitar inputted to correct channel and volume set to something normal? If "Yes", it's not the routing. If you still have problems, sell the POD, buy an amp.