What's wrong with this guys?????


untruly evil
Dec 19, 2002
Ehy, have you notice??... in order to be a good metal singer-lyric writer, you have to be:

1. Always depresed :(
2. You must have a really shity life with a lot of bad things hapening to you.
3. be depresed :(

Can you think in any other??? i bet you do...

...anyway, most of the times this guys come out with the best songs-lyrics. The onlyones who can actually change your mood with that unique feeling, -that only depresion can give you. -

Eh, I guess it's because most metalheads aren't necessarily the happiest people in the world. And I guess sad, sorrowful lyrics are what people identify with, for the most part.

I know I do.
.....I dont feel like listening to depressing songs all the time. Pantera makes some aggressive, fun songs like Revolution Is My Name and Mouth For War and I rather listen to that. Phil Anselmo does make some depressing or hateful songs though.
Originally posted by CONCLAVE OBSCURUM
Ehy, have you notice??... in order to be a good metal singer-lyric writer, you have to be:

1. Always depresed :(
2. You must have a really shity life with a lot of bad things hapening to you.
3. be depresed :(

Can you think in any other??? i bet you do...

...anyway, most of the times this guys come out with the best songs-lyrics. The onlyones who can actually change your mood with that unique feeling, -that only depresion can give you. -

thats a rather silly generalization.
Originally posted by CONCLAVE OBSCURUM
Ehy, have you notice??... in order to be a good metal singer-lyric writer, you have to be:

1. Always depresed :(
2. You must have a really shity life with a lot of bad things hapening to you.
3. be depresed :(

Can you think in any other??? i bet you do...

...anyway, most of the times this guys come out with the best songs-lyrics. The onlyones who can actually change your mood with that unique feeling, -that only depresion can give you. -
that's an stereotype on metal lyrics
The only metal lyrics I like are the ones that keep me amused and entertained like Macabre and Impaled.
I generally dont pay much attention to metal lyrics because (Like it or not) they're generally badly written.
Pig Destroyer write fucking incredible lyrics though.
Originally posted by BTK
no...Just listen to Cannibal Corpse.. They aren't depresed at all.. they are happy happy :D

Their lyrics are shit though.
I dont mean shit in a "They're so disgusting and they scare me way" either.
I mean badly written.
Originally posted by Guardian of Darkness
This is probably because most "metalheads" are intelligent and aware enough to realise how much life sucks.

Maybe you're life sucks. i like the triumphant spirit of a lot of metal. sure i like my doom, but its more than just 'blah, i'm intelligent so life sucks' that's dumb. everyone has their shit, but you're outlook determines you deal with it. whatever though. to each their own.

and yes,.....pig destroyer writes badass lyrics. Jennifer rules..haha. and scatology homework.
Originally posted by The Wanderer
Maybe you're life sucks. i like the triumphant spirit of a lot of metal. sure i like my doom, but its more than just 'blah, i'm intelligent so life sucks' that's dumb. everyone has their shit, but you're outlook determines you deal with it. whatever though. to each their own.

and yes,.....pig destroyer writes badass lyrics. Jennifer rules..haha. and scatology homework.

Fair enough, it was just a suggestion.
...Actually, music doesn't make me depressed at all and I think you're making a pretty weak observation by saying that metal singers/lyricists are all depressed and have shitty lives... music makes me fucking happy, and I'm depressed without it, and I know there are many others that are the same way...
"This is probably because most "metalheads" are intelligent and aware enough to realise how much life sucks."-Guardian dude

I disagree dude. I hate some kids that like the same music I do and they're pretty stupid.
Yeah man, that's definately an unfair generalization. Even for nu-metallers. That's an ignorant, societal stereotype. I'm sure plenty of people are like that, but not enough to be a representational factor. It's just that humanity always takes more notice of the negative (just look at the news!) and the metal ideal appears, superficially, to be an epitome of negativity. Which, practically, isnt true, even if a lot of the original idealogy hinted to such.