Whats yer favorite beer?


Apr 28, 2005
Thats all I wanna know.... Not the one the pound back to back tryin to catch a buzz. Not the one you get at a concert, ball game etc... The one that just tastes so damn good you gotta have it. Ok,,, lets do it this way. Name the top three in order. Like most fave, second fave and then of course the macro brew, cop a buzz, seltzer water :Spin:

1) Four Peaks Kilt Lifter
2) Fat Tire
3) Corona<-- hey! It does go well with mexican food on hot hot hot Arizona day!
1. Killian's
2. Coors Light
3. Budweiser

But if a bar has Bass, Harp or Newcastle on tap, I will take any of those over Coors or Bud.
i don't drink anymore but,when i was a raging alcoholic

icehouse 24 ounce cans was my weapon of choice (suck em down boys)
or budwiser half quarts.
if i had money then i would drink dark kronenbourg (like chocolate molasses)
or lowenbrau (the one from switzerland)
out on the town in the usa it would be coors light (no slowing down with the silver bullet)
i always had a half pint of black berry brandy handy to.
1. Guinness-so awesome even though you drink three and u got a hangover the next day
2. Miller light-drink a million and dont got a hanghover the next day
3. Saint Paulie Girl-Mighty strong but i like em strong im an irish dude
Yuengling (this is a Lager, which I believe is not available outside of NE USA and Canada)


Fucking El Presidente! (from the Dominican Republic)
used to be NEWCASTLE BROWN ALE but i had to give up the hops and yeast years ago-the jack d and jim b took its toll and now its just makes me instantly puke!!!!!!!!!!however i simply love the weed :loco: