Whats yer favorite beer?

God, there are a lot of piss beers here. Blatz? Fuck, I'm from Milwaukee and I can't drink that shit. Beer snob, comin' through. If it's made with rice and/or corn, it ain't fuckin' beer. I go for breweries rather than one brew. Anchor. Rogue. Sierra Nevada. Fuckin' Brooklyn. Great Dane, Madison fuckin' Wisconsin. Sprecher and Lakefront, Milwaukee. Pilsner Urquell from a tank in the CR, not from a keg.
I have corona inthe fridge ( only good if its not quite frozen) I have guiness
a few shinerbach's left. Uh mike's hard lemonade , well Im nicely stocked with a bunch of odd and ends as there hasnt been a bar B Q in awhile so all I have is everyone elses left overs ( all in the fridge)
Coors Light(good for the long haul)
Miller High Life(Great when the wallet is a little thin)
Pabst Blue Ribbon(Just a raunchy beer but it is tolerable if it is ICE cold)
how bout the malts old english 800 or mickeys big mouth. you get tanked but the hang over is quiet nasty.
anybody remember grain belt tall boys or falstaf. those might be midwest only beers.
little kings cream ale. we used to buy a couple 30 packs of those little bottles and sit at the train yard and do really stupid destructive things. oh the glory years of youth.
Little Kings! Wow..... Yeah tossed back way to many of those back in the day......I think I might have to retry it now knowing what beer is " 'spose" to taste like. ANyone ever try Stone Brewery Arrogant Bastard? The guy at the beer shop keeps telling me I have to try it. No wonder at $70 for 3 liters! I have read some good reviews on it though and I have grown to like the companys IPA offering.
Shiner Bock
Dos Equis
when i was a kid in NY i used to dring Genny cream ale and OV splits
Heineken - first beer i ever liked the taste of, remains on top to this day.
Yuengling - brewed about 3 hours away, easy to get, tastes pretty good.
Labatt's Blue - for when i dont have alot to spend but want a decent taste
Icehouse 16oz cans - most beer for your buck, dont taste too bad
Busch when someone else is buyin and wants me to drink

its just a coincidence but for me Heineken has the most kick.
never had a hangover drinking any of those and i would have been sure i should have.
Czech beers: Pilsner Urquell, Gambrinus, Regent (hell yeah!)
Foreign beers: Bitburger, Neu Ulmer, Gold Ochsen, Carlsberg, Killkeny, Zywiec (Polish), EB (Polish)...