Whats yer favorite beer?

Franziskaner, Paulaner....weissbier is the best!!!!!!!!!!

algo Guiness, 666, Grimbergen optimo bruno, Voll-damm....lots, mostly holland and german beers...

Those are fucking awesome S.T. Pictures!!! Thanks for sharing!!
I hope that one day before I die that Suicidal decides to do one more tour of the U.S.!! I know I'm asking alot of them but I would like to see them again.

"If you ain't SUICIDAL....You ain't SHIT!!!!!"
Sir Phobos said:
Uh mike's hard lemonade , well Im nicely stocked with a bunch of odd and ends as there hasnt been a bar B Q in awhile so all I have is everyone elses left overs ( all in the fridge)

Dude, thank you... I was hesitant about putting my top pick up, which is Smirnoff Ice. Sorry, but I did my share of beer in college and just after, and I honestly lost the taste for it (though I did have a Miller Genuine Draft last year, and did enjoy it). If Mike's gets wise and makes a "Hard Cherry Lemonade," I guarantee there will be a few nights that the wife will have to peel me off the lawn. I always liked Old Style - aah, a beer that smelled like they put a dead skunk in each bottle, but tasty.

Never got into the imports - never had the taste for 'em. My cousin gave me a Lowenbrau at some family function, and I poured it down the drain after one swig. Nasty fuckin' beer - but, to each their own.
Still Bodditngton's out of the 269 we've sat down and actually rated. It's been done before, but you can see our whole spread sheet of beer ratings at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mmmmbeer/ Mrthrax might be happy to know that an Australian beer, Little Creatures, has slipped into 2nd place on our list while the only 2 brews from my home and native land are both no longer available (Unibroue 11 and the black currant version of Ephemere, sitting 4th and 8th, respectively)
James Boag's Strongarm Bitter
Tooheys Old
Melbourne Bitter
If any Aussies read this and they haven't tried Strongarm, do yourselves a favour and grab a slab. For any non-Aussies, keep an eye out at your local grog shop. Worth the extra money you will have to pay for it.
My Fav Beer
1/Carlton Cold taste nice cold left in the esky overnight,and especially having a hangover the next day having one of them real cold hits the spot.
2/V.B. Victorian Bitter
3/Coopers Pale Ale
4/West End Draught
5/N.T. Draught 2 litre (Just Kidding) :tickled: if anybody who has tried it,it taste like mud. :hypno:
Tuborg (Calrsberg´s better tasting twin), Harboe Guld, Sort Guld, Giraf, Urquell, Kozel, Sol, Corona, Budveiser (the original chech). :kickass:

"American beer is like making love in a canoo. It´s fucking close to water!" :lol:
VB Is good It's as Aussie as Fosters
MGD but In Aus its $17 a six pack
Tooheys Extra dry is the shit
Can't go wrong with a Guiness
San Miguel is a cheap and okey choise if you feel an urge for a quick one or four.

And I agree with dansken Miltbrand, noone north of Hamburg knows how to make good beer but Tuborg is much better than most of the Scandinavian beers.