Whats your Astrological sign?

I'm a capricorn. Most of those traits fit me pretty well, except I don't think I'm particularly pessimistic. There are traits in the other signs that fit me well too, though.

Connauch said:
I am capricorn, the goatfish. Due to the fact that my sign has a goat for a head that makes him the most metal.

:lol: That's awesome! :rock:
Due to the fact that my sign has a goat for a head that makes him the most metal.
the most satanic u mean :loco: the reverse pentagram with the goats head thing is a symbol of the church of satan lol tho i see it on metal shirts now also. not that theres anything wrong with that :grin:
Alexander TG said:
Water (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) - Emotional, creative, imaginative, dreamers, shy, intense, artistic, caring, service to others, sensitive.
Im a scorpio.

Emotional - not really, everyone has emotions tho.
Creative - Definately
Imaginative - yep
Dreamers - uhuh.
Shy - A little bit, I'm definately not confident.
Intence - In some things, but as not generally.
Service to others - Yep.
Sensitive - Nope.
Alexander TG said:
I'm glad somebody bought up the rising sign which is just as important if not more so and usually fills in the blanks of the personality if you don't relate to your birth sign only problem is it's harder to work out.

Had a friend who was a professional astrologer, and I had some of the finer details beat into me. Sun signs are just what you see on the surface. And I take none of it even remotely seriously; what did the stars predict before there were people?
Capricorn here, with Leo ascending and moon in Libra.

Breakdown of elemental properties:
1. Practical - Most of the time.
2. Security - Yes, I'd rather opt for it rather than go on a limb
3. Analytical - This breakdown should be proof enough. :grin:
4. Reserved - That too, but it might be attributed to national character. ;)
5. Level-headed - Most of the time.
6. Cool under pressure - If the pressure isn't too high. (Altough, is it really pressure if it doesn't hurt? ;) )
7. Realistic - Yeah. I know I suck.
8. Pessimistic - See 7.
9. Hard working - From time to time - mostly under exams or when an assignment is due.

I was very much into star signs at one time and I still do think they're an interesting pastime. Apparently the ascending leo makes me a show-off, but the cooling effect of Saturn restrains my flaring egotism most of the time.

In chinese star signs I'm a metal ( :rock: ) rooster. Top that. (Unless you're a metal dragon, in which case I envy you. ;) )
PowerLady said:
Hi I'm new, my name's Lisa.

I'm a pisces :)
I don't believe a lot these things, but some things you wrote about the pisces are true (for me).
Hi Lisa,
Great to see another metal chick, we are far and between, right ladys?:loco:
Ayreon Guardian X said:
Cancer! I am a wasting disease that infects you and leaves you dead after a long and debilitating period of agony!

Funny you should mention that.. My ex is cancer...

Scorpio here.. Jealous as fuck, loving as hell - Borderline as you would never imagine.