What's your latency for near-zero recording?


Jul 5, 2009
Portland, OR
With my old M-Audio Fast Track I was able to use a 128 buffer size with multiple inputs and lots of stuff running; my Focusrite can do 128 with one input, but after enough tracks have been recorded sometimes I get cracks and pops during playback (wtf?). Multiple inputs on most things gives me cracks and pops, but everything's fine at 256. I think it's all at 48khz, so the 256 buffer is around 7ms/7ms.

I don't really notice a difference between 256 and 128, but what are all you guys using?
7ms for me too on my sapphire pro 40. Works fine for me, but I'm waiting for Focusrite to release new drivers for win7. Don't know if that will let me get lower latency.
Man, I dunno how you guys can tolerate 7 ms, at least for monitoring with ampsims; 128 samples (~2.9 ms) is ideal for me (as far as balancing latency with CPU performance), and 256 is the absolute limit of what I can tolerate (~5 ms)
my RME HDSP9632 can handle 3ms but i use 6ms all the time, because the difference is not really noticeable IMHO.

I start popping and clicking at less than 7ms, i think it's just shitty drivers more than anything. Hopefully when the profire 2626 gets windows 7 drivers it'll be better, but for now on a stripped down XP i'm stuck with 7ms
you guys really need to recheck your latency no way in hell the firestudio can get that low. i mean hell the apoggee are like 3.2 so re do your test with a latency thingy (don't know whats its called)