What's your set up?

What instrument do you play?

  • Vocals

    Votes: 32 34.8%
  • Guitars

    Votes: 69 75.0%
  • Bass Guitars

    Votes: 22 23.9%
  • Drums

    Votes: 21 22.8%
  • Keyboards

    Votes: 16 17.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 13.0%

  • Total voters
EveOfDarkness said:
actually i like the look of fender basses (probably because i have been bombarded by famous musicians playing them all my life). But i prefer the Spector because its much more beautiful (mine is dark blue-green quilted maple top) and versatile than any fenders i've played (plus its easier to play imo).
Also the Spector is a lot cheaper :heh:

That's the sense I get after comparing the playability of Fenders and Spectors as well. I've got a jet-black 5-string Performer. Oooohhhh so sleek. It's definitely my baby. The price is right too as you said. Fenders - I can't find for any less than $900 (unless it's that Starter Kit piece of shit) but I got my Spector for $650 and some change!
Led Opeth said:
yea, thats 2 and a half years of adding on and whatnot, and the drums themselves were an 18th b-day gift from my grandmother..i just got it in november

lucky bastard I had to buy my set completely! shit, I'm still paying for it. it was worth it though. my next upgrades are a double bass pedal and maybe an 8 or 10" splash.
Godhead's Lament said:
And a microphone a brand of whic I cannot remember right now.

yeah, vocalists (who don't play other instruments) are the most boring people to talk about instruments with! Guitarists and so on can talk for hours about their set ups and how they are going to modify it or whatever. What can vocalists say?

Its black... its cordless... it works... yeah...

I want to get a custom mic... dunno what will be custom about it yet though :lol:
Vocalists can usually wax on about their in-ear monitoring systems on stage, or what mics complement their voices the best... no where near as much shit talking as guitarists do, but it's still possible.

It's weird, there is one of these threads on EVERY SINGLE FORUM I frequent. People seem to just jump at the chance to wank about their gear. At one point I thought it was cool... but it just happens too often.
I play drums, as well as synthesizers and stuff..

On drums i hit:
Tama Rockstar 10-12-14 with Tama snaredrum
Tama Iron Cobra Powerglide twinpedals
15" + 16" Stagg regular Crashes
Zildjian ZBT pro Hihats
Zildjian ZBT pro Ride
Wuhan 18" China

And i like to hit 'em with Pro-Mark Rock 747 or Rock 777's!

Old pic of me playing them: (Nevermind the carefully placed light-tube thingy.. Our singer put it there :mad: )

I also got myself a little home-studio, in which i create hardcore (the electronic kind) and beats for my band. It consists of:
-Pentium 4 (2,0 gHz) with 512 megs of ram on which i run Logic Audio Platinum 5.3 and several VSTi's (Virtual synthesizers)
-Yamaha O1X (Digital mixer, audio/midi-interface, control surface)
-Alesis Ion (Virtual analog synthesizer)
-Novation Nova (Another virtual analog synthesizer)
-Roland MC-505 (Groovebox, mainly use it for drums and filler-sounds)
-Behringer Ultracurve DSP 8024 (Realtime audio analyzer/EQ)
-Behringer MDX-2200 Pro (Stereo/dual channel compressor)
-Behringer PX-2000 (48-point patchbay)
-Alesis ModFX Philtre (Resonant filter)
-Alesis ModFX BitRman (Bitcrusher/distortion)
-Boss SE-50 (Multi-FX unit)
-Phonic mm1002A (Small mixer, use it for it's analog overdrive)
-Shure SM-58 (Microphone)
-KRK Rokit RP8's (GREAT studio-monitors.. Best studio-buy i ever did!)

And loads, LOADS of audio, midi and powercables... :)




And, for the artsy-fartsy part of this post, i tried a higher shutterspeed on my cam:


Moonlapse said:
It's weird, there is one of these threads on EVERY SINGLE FORUM I frequent. People seem to just jump at the chance to wank about their gear. At one point I thought it was cool... but it just happens too often.

True, but i really like to read/see what other people play, hit or abuse! And in my case, i've been moving, recabling and patching for weeks and i'm kinda proud of the results.. So yeah, i grabbed this chance to show other people how my setup looks :)
Hah.. I'm getting tempted to post some photos of our studio. We just started tracking an album for a bunch of my mates. We got some crazy pics going. Haven't taken any shots of the control room though... yet.
Moonlapse, you seem really tech savvy.. are you a sound engineer? or at least studying to be one? i'm a music industry major at college, about to graduate.. it's fun to talk shop with people of my ilk, just wondering what your plans are.
Yeah I'm enrolled in a 3-year Audio Engineering course, but I've been into the whole recording thing before that, and I record outside of school, so I'd consider myself to be one. Basically just started out as a hobby as it does for much of these forumites, but I decided to take it a step further because I really enjoy it.

Good to hear that you're about to graduate. What are your plans?
Well i have one year left to go... I'm gonna push hard with my band and see what happens. Other than that, A&R really appealed to me. I love being in the studio and fiddling around, but i think that this world really needs some quality A&R reps. I figure going around and listening to new artists to find great new talent sounds fun to me. I'll probably just end up engineering my own albums while working another job anyway, so in the end i'll get the best of both worlds. Do you already work in a studio?
I don't actually. I used most of last year to get to know a lot of studio owners around the area and recently I've applied for some in-house positions... they're just not that readily available though. It's mainly freelance work that gets you by here.

I figure I'll eventually go into the live scene to make a buck engineering at gigs. You can do alright for yourself with that.

A&R is cool. I think lately they have significantly less 'say' in who gets signed and who doesn't, as far as labels are concerned. I'm sure you already know that the industry is in a state of decline/reformation and the word of an A&R rep really doesn't have the influence and power it used to.
That sounds great. Knowing all the stuff you've posted here, i'm sure you know what youre doing with those kids of jobs.

yeah, A&R is kinda my last resort anyway. I mostly just wanna play music for a living. If i can't make enough money off of it i'll probably look for some kind of A&R gig. I know the industry is in a decline, but it's reallly not as bad as people think it is. Major labels are definitely gonna be around for a while, and the A&R department is an integral role. It's kind of a depressing industry to get involved in for someone that loves music as much as i do. Having to quantify everything and turn things into business will be the hardest part, but i figure this industry needs people like me to move it in the right direction. I dont know, i'm kinda nervous about it all, but im confident that i'll find a niche somwhere.
I totally understand what you mean about having to quantify everything.

That applies 100-fold in engineering. I've found myself to be closed off to certain kinds of music that value certain production values... I analyze music aesthetically as much as I do artistically now too. It's kind of good to have the insight to be able to do it, but sometimes ignorance really is bliss.
Haha, well it's not my studio per-se. It's the facility where we're learning, but nonetheless the pics from today's session are really cool. We pulled some massive sounds considering we only had 4 hours (it was pre-production, basically just finding tones we liked).

I'll put them up if my friend forwards them to me.