make it into a purse!You'd prefer to bronze it and hang it on the mantle, maybe?
i think fetuses should be sold and eaten regardless. they're a bountiful source of protein that humans have yet to tap into, and probobly miiighty tasty.But are they truly magical and youth giving? If so, continue selling fetuses!
i once read a short story about this new line of purses made from the flesh of babies/3rd term aborted fetuses being marketed to rich women. an excellent idea. you can use more than just the stem cells, people!I bet a few rich people would probably market that.
i say they utilize the teenage-parent population first.Not to mention a seemingly endless supply.
Forget the children, eat the dumb people. and then harvest the children when they are suitably plump.
Asian movie where special Dumplings are sold for their powers of youth giving or some such. TURNS OUT THEY ARE REALLY FETUSES. What a twist!
Not placentas I know, but close enough.