whats your thoughts on deicide?

>>>Right up there with Six Feet Under and Arch Enemy.


man, Bringer of Blood was awesome!

Murder in the basement is sweet!

Arch Enemy - Stigmata is also good stuff.

Uh.. Six Feet Under are sweet sometimes. Sick In The Head is fine.
I don't like them at all; lyrics suck, production (while not the most important thing) annoys the hell out of me, and I just don't get into it.

Benton is also the biggest waste of a frontman I've ever seen.
I quite enjoy all their albums, even the ones everyone else hates. Scars of the Crucifix is a fucking great record, and the production on it is better than on any of their other efforts. The guitar tone is vastly improved, and the opening guitar riff is fantastic.
Stormwatch said:
I quite enjoy all their albums, even the ones everyone else hates. Scars of the Crucifix is a fucking great record, and the production on it is better than on any of their other efforts. The guitar tone is vastly improved, and the opening guitar riff is fantastic.

For a Rangers man, you sure do talk a lot of sense:kickass:
Deicide has some of the most lame music and lyrics in heavy music. I think if you don't realize that past 12,13 that sucks.
Hoffmans ARE great guitarists, my previous band had an opportunity to open for Deicide a while back, and I sat and watched those two guys warming up in the backstage area - they were fucking SMOKING! As for Deicide, I actually think that the last album is a competent release, even though it doesn't capture the IT factor of the first couple releases from long long ago, neither did the few since. But I don't think "Benton" when I think of Deicide, I think of Hoffmans' guitar work, and without those two guys in the fold that dude might as well wrap that shit up. And yeah, the dudes from Vital Remains are pretty good, but a band pretty much stops being the same band once you replace the main musical core.
Necro Joe said:
The Greys I will send you five english pounds, via Paypal, if you agree to stop posting here forever. Deal?

I have a paycheck to cash, and I don't care about your 5 dollars. When i'm broke again when winter comes you make a better offer!!!
slowdeath said:
My Opinion?

That's a pretty stupid comment to make considering you're the guy who started the Top 5 D M Drummers thread... If you honestly choose the drumming of Martin Lopez (:Smug: ) over that of Steve Asheim, not only do you not know shit about death metal, you're an aurally-challenged dumb ass motherfucker.
VadimVon said:
That's a pretty stupid comment to make considering you're the guy who started the Top 5 D M Drummers thread... If you honestly choose the drumming of Martin Lopez (:Smug: ) over that of Steve Asheim, not only do you not know shit about death metal, you're an aurally-challenged dumb ass motherfucker.

Steve Asheim is not even 2% of martin lopez or the old opeth drummer. Asheim can play about 2,3 drum patterns, and has shit cymbal work. Paul from cannibal corpse and steve asheim or some of the worst death metal drummers period.

Don't even argue with me because I'm huge on older death metal. I know more death metal bands/albums than you. Deicide are the slipknot of the death metal genre. It's not someone elses problem because you have only heard acouple mainstream death metal bands. My avatar and sig might not be death metal, but if you want to talk about death metal with me get your ass in gear.

You idiot fuck
i think deicide is the most boring gayest shitty death metal band ever. l love death metal, old school death metal that is but deicide sucks wang.