Wheatstone console clips, which is which?


Aug 2, 2009
I dare you all to take a listen to these two completely matched clips and tell me which is the Wheatstone and which is straight through. Now I will say, this, it only through external in, to the master bus channel, and out the master fader. I don't have the wiring yet to run it through two transformer channels but alas, I think you will all be amazed just how clean this thing really is. I've tested most major areas of the console and everything works fine. Best $150 bucks I ever spent!

Mix 1
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3566975/Mix 1.wav
Mix 2
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3566975/Mix 2.wav


Don't really hear much difference :S but if i had to choose i would say that the second one is the console
I think Mix2 is the console. Sounds more glued. Not sure I like any of these to be perfectly honest.
I woke up this morning with an epiphany that I never ran the original out and back in the converters. Since it was an old Tascam interface aka, doody, I may have to redo this. 2nd one was the console btw. But that's an anfair win.
Shouldn't it win by even more after the untouched runs through an extra round of conversion. I'll be stoked to check the new comparison out tomorrow.