When a mouse hits a trap behind the fridge wrong...

More like 90% of the cartoons! Jerry was a douche. Stealing food, turning invisible to shave Tom's fur/cut off his whiskers, getting that damn dog to attack. I remember when he got his redneck uncle for a visit and said uncle kept stealing Tom's whiskers for a guitar string. He is a mooch and a parasite.

Hail Tom!
wtf is with all of this sadness over the death of a mouse? mice and rats outnumber the population of humans by loads, so its not like the death of some small, pathetic creatures that do nothing but terrorize people's houses should make everyone light up a candle and hold a vigil for the damn things
I'm big, you're small. I live, you die.

Hell, lets make a sport out of it. Anyone wanna go shootin' mice in the ol' barn?

Honestly though... No matter how many we kill at work, there always seem to be two more in place of the single one we just killed.

If it makes you feel better, maybe they all go to mouse heaven. all the garbage, housewives, and elephants you could ever want.
wtf is with all of this sadness over the death of a mouse? mice and rats outnumber the population of humans by loads, so its not like the death of some small, pathetic creatures that do nothing but terrorize people's houses should make everyone light up a candle and hold a vigil for the damn things

Anvil said:
I'm big, you're small. I live, you die.
In my defense, that fucker nibbled on my sugar wafers... Death was deserved.

We have a lot of construction in our area, so we get a lot of mice, who shit all over the place and nibble on MY food. Gotta control them some how...

Usually they don't get that br000000000000tal, but he really hit the trap wrong where part of him snapped and exploded in blood, but he still lived and was able to drag his body with the trap attached around the kitchen for a while... leaving a trail of blood where he went.

A slow painful death is a garuntee given to those who steal my food... a fair warning to all.
killl those fuckers, because killing is power metal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To make mice defenders feel better. Imagine that mouse was jesus. now you can feel confortable you did the right thing in stopping the spread of christianity.
And the little fuckers deserve to die because if they touch your food and then you eat the food, you are FUCKED
Excuse me, but if you'll post a picture of a brutally dead human with blood everywhere I'd prolly react the same...

I'm not into killing anything that didn't do anything wrong but living...
Humans, most of the time, are NOT innocent animals are.
thats why you get "aww" or " :( "

Graned, if your house is over crowded with mice or bugs: you do what you have to do..
I'm not a member of PETA, if y'know-what-i'm-sayin'.
Say what you will, but that mouse died like a man-mouse worthy of praise from Joey DeMaio dressed in a fur loincloth and with fully oiled pecs.
And a bearded Swede with a beer belly.

That would actually be a great bill. Manowar and Amon Amarth. I don't think they toured together yet.