When Engineers Are Bored Part II


Jul 13, 2005
San Jose, Ca


:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :lol: :lol: :lol: :Smokin: :loco: o_O


:headbang: :headbang: :kickass: :kickass: :lol: :lol: :Smokin: :loco: o_O
Man, I have two whiteboards in my cube and neither have anything cool like that. Just a bunch of geeky engineering stuff! :lol:

However, I have had two BAR Fest posters hanging up -- one inside and one right outside of my cube for a couple of months though.

BTW, does anyone know where the banner and flyer graphics disappeared to? My signature and MySpace have been broken for about a month now. I just kept forgetting to ask.
BTW, does anyone know where the banner and flyer graphics disappeared to? My signature and MySpace have been broken for about a month now. I just kept forgetting to ask.

I think the url changed from bayarearockfest.com to bayarearockpromotions.com

The rest of the URL was the same

I changed that and my images came back!!
The URL is bayarearockpromotions or bayarearockfest.com -either will work!!

Brett-- keep on going my brother-- we can use yours for the next years Tshirt design!!!
Man, I have two whiteboards in my cube and neither have anything cool like that. Just a bunch of geeky engineering stuff! :lol:

Same here, I got two whiteboards in my office (at least I got an actual office, complete with a window - hey 14 years at this place ought to entitle me to something!) as well, they are both filled with geeky software engineering stuff as well.

That is friggan kick-ass! Damn, I wish I was that artistic!
Nice work, Brett -- you're definitely a very creative dude. :)

Hey, there are only eight hours on the Zero Hour clock!

Mine's not nearly as creative, but I wrote this on my cubicle whiteboard when my mom was in and out of the hospital and I needed a reminder to maintain balance in my life...

Nice work, Brett -- you're definitely a very creative dude. :)

Hey, there are only eight hours on the Zero Hour clock!

Mine's not nearly as creative, but I wrote this on my cubicle whiteboard when my mom was in and out of the hospital and I needed a reminder to maintain balance in my life...


Good call Mr. Sharword. That is one of my all time favorite Enchant songs -- "In the Dark." I wish the band played a few more Break songs... that album had such a powerful atmosphere to it. Then again, there was no way I could have possible been pleased with any Enchant set unless they played like every single one of their songs.

That's the problem with Enchant, they have way too many great songs. Its impossible not to be disappointed in a setlist :) It is however, imossible to be disappointed with a performance. Those guys kicked all kinds of prog anus.

The Michael
Yes there are 8 hours on the Zero Hour Clock and every hour is a Zero Hour!! Haha!!:lol:

Thanks for the comments everybody. I just have fun with it, you should see as I need space on the board, over the 3-4 weeks I spend on it, the space gets smaller and smaller ... That big face on the bottom was one of the last things to go on there (other than the post show, 10 MORE!!) that was where all the sketches of parts and whatever else I needed it for went the last week before the event.:lol:

That spot is around waist high...Even my Boss was kneeling down writing on it! :lol: :headbang: