when is death grind/vise versa


Mum says im cool
Jan 15, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
firstly im new here but ive read these forums a bit now and then , so hey yall


im sure this has come up before, but the distinction between death and grind sometimes confuses me. im not a genre nazi, but it bugs me....

the way i understand things grind is essentially an extreme form of punk and death an extreme form of metal which came out of 80s speed metal like slayer, progressing into the whole florida thing correct? (this is utterly simplistic i know)

by this logic i always considered bands like napalm death and brutal truth grind and stuff like morbid angel, dying fetus and suffocation death

i guess what im getting at is, could someone settle this whole thing cos i cant be arsed figuring it out ...
dethrock666 said:
firstly im new here but ive read these forums a bit now and then , so hey yall


im sure this has come up before, but the distinction between death and grind sometimes confuses me. im not a genre nazi, but it bugs me....

the way i understand things grind is essentially an extreme form of punk and death an extreme form of metal which came out of 80s speed metal like slayer, progressing into the whole florida thing correct? (this is utterly simplistic i know)

by this logic i always considered bands like napalm death and brutal truth grind and stuff like morbid angel, dying fetus and suffocation death

i guess what im getting at is, could someone settle this whole thing cos i cant be arsed figuring it out ...

I think you summed it up pretty well. The differences (regardless of it roots) can be summed up GENERICALLY as follows. Grind USUALLY:

1) has shorter songs
2) is a little "sloppier" (except for the school of grind represented by bands like Nasum, Rotten Sound, etc...)
3) rarely has guitar solos
4) usually seem to take themselves a little less seriously than death metal bands
There is nothing to understand give it time and you willl just know what is what after awile.
Superficially speaking, if the album artwork depicts a pile of human organs or bodily fluids, it's probably grind. If the cover pictures pentagrams, Satan, or a heap of blood (strained free of organs and other fluids), then it's probably death metal.

Musically, grindcore has a weird circular swing on top of a hyperfast beat, while death metal is more often a straight forward all-out assault with dual guitars playing solos, etc.

That's just a ten-second blast to help out -- listening to tons of records all day long is not bad advice!!
Grind is very fast bursts of chaos with the occational groove part. Can have screams or death growls or both.(Pig Destroyer, Napalm Death....)

Death/Grind is a mix of slower(but still fast as hell) chunky death riffs with fast grind parts mixed together. Usually just death growls, with some higher vocals. (Dying Fetus, Aborted, Exhumed) Goregrind is similar but with gory lyrics(obviosly) and usually less technicality.

Death is usually slower than grind, but still fast with groove filled riffs. All low death vocals. (Morbid Angel, Immolation......)

Well at least that is my understanding of the differences, I could be wrong but who gives a shit.
thanks for clearing that up, no more sleepless nights for me.... :tickled:

you guys have confirmed what i originaly suspected, the confusion started as the anus.com dude seems to consider stuff like bolt thrower and godflesh grind which kinda perplexes me ...

at the moment im really liking dying fetus. can anyone reccomend other good death/grind bands

dethrock666 said:
thanks for clearing that up, no more sleepless nights for me.... :tickled:

you guys have confirmed what i originaly suspected, the confusion started as the anus.com dude seems to consider stuff like bolt thrower and godflesh grind which kinda perplexes me ...

at the moment im really liking dying fetus. can anyone reccomend other good death/grind bands


I personally believe that the anus.com dude's opinions should be taken with a mighty large grain of salt. I give the guy props for the length of time he has been around, and the obvious effort he puts into scene, but he is slightly arrogant in his opinions and his writing is often indecipherable (have you ever read any of his reviews??? Never have I seen so many 7 syllable words thrown into two paragraphs. Many of them are utterly useless for this reason.).

Now, this is not to dispute his claims about Bolt Thrower or Godflesh, just that not too many people consider his opinion to be the end-all authority on metal.

Anyway, about the Bolt Thrower. I have also heard that they are considered a pioneer of the grind genre. I also was confused about that, since the only album I have heard from this band (Mercenary) was FAR from grindcore, and could mercifully be described as slow, boring death metal. However, from what I understand, the band's Realms of Chaos-era stuff is grind. This CD is actually next on my list to pick up (if anyone wants to trade me a CDR of it so I can check it out, see my list at www.cd-tracker.com/~elephant and let me know what you want in return).

As for the Godflesh, well, they may not sound like your typical grindcore, but what else are you gonna call them??? heh. Although, I only own one Godflesh album (Streetcleaner), so maybe the rest of their stuff is more traditional grindcore, I don't know.
dethrock666 said:
thanks for clearing that up, no more sleepless nights for me.... :tickled:

you guys have confirmed what i originaly suspected, the confusion started as the anus.com dude seems to consider stuff like bolt thrower and godflesh grind which kinda perplexes me ...

at the moment im really liking dying fetus. can anyone reccomend other good death/grind bands

You need to check out Misery Index, has ex-Dying Fetus members. They are good and don't sound like DF clones.

Also check out the new Aborted, Impaled and Disavowed.
yeah ive read some really odd stuff on the anus site, particularly the articles about black metal. ill admit i skimmed through them but they seemed to contend that black metal is the only relevant form, with deathmetal and everything else being more or less redundant....

my opinion is he gets too hung up on the ideologies behind genres but hey...

im in the same boat on bolt thrower, having only heared mercenary. yeah its dull but i have to admit its kinda fun ...

ive got about half of the godflesh releases and always considered them industrial sometimes even stoner, they also have dub/hiphop elements which give a nu-metalish feel to some stuff too , all i can think of is that he was reffering to the napalm death connection in calling them grind..

cheers for the Misery Index Aborted, Impaled and Disavowed.
tips , ill have to check them out
Brutal Truth will forever be the gods of grind for me. =) For deathgrind, Circle of Dead Children are the future.

Bolt Thrower were only grind-y on Realm of Chaos. That album had a lot of grind on it, but it was still death-metal-y enough to not be pure grind. Regardless, it is an excellent album.

Mercenary is my favourite though. =P
If it sounds remotely punky then it's grind. None of this gore nonsense is grind. Grindcore is just metally sounding punk.

Realm of Chaos was grind. Godflesh were only ever linked with grind because Justin was in Napalm.
dethrock666 said:
at the moment im really liking dying fetus. can anyone reccomend other good death/grind bands

Spawn of Possession - Don´t remeber what its called
Insision - Beneath the Folds of Flesh
Immersed In Blood - Killing Season

They are deathlike kind of grind or something.