
Looking for grind recommendations, especially goregrind.

In addition to Carcass, I really dig Pathologist, Lymphatic Phlegm, Blasted Pancreas (blown away by the riffs and arrangements on there), Reek of Shits, The Day When Everything Became Nothing, some Impetigo, Gruesome Stuff Relish and some Cock and Ball Torture. I also dig borderline slam/grind stuff like Cemetery Rapist, Torsofuck and Nasty Pig Dick. I can get into super short & super aggressive grind if it's as interesting as Insect Warfare, but Last Days of Humanity was too caustic for me to get into and in general, I prefer songs that're longer than one minute and contain good hooks and some groove.


Just great.
Fuck yeah! That might actually be one of my least favorite albums by them, which isnt saying much because I still enjoy it...

Give a Frozen Corpse Stuffed With Dope or The Poacher Diaries (Split w Converge) a spin if you havnt already...Fucking love Agoraphobic Nosebleed :kickass:

Looking for grind recommendations, especially goregrind.

In addition to Carcass, I really dig Pathologist, Lymphatic Phlegm, Blasted Pancreas (blown away by the riffs and arrangements on there), Reek of Shits, The Day When Everything Became Nothing, some Impetigo, Gruesome Stuff Relish and some Cock and Ball Torture. I also dig borderline slam/grind stuff like Cemetery Rapist, Torsofuck and Nasty Pig Dick. I can get into super short & super aggressive grind if it's as interesting as Insect Warfare, but Last Days of Humanity was too caustic for me to get into and in general, I prefer songs that're longer than one minute and contain good hooks and some groove.


Squash Bowels, Rompeprop, Die Pigeon Die, Foetopsy, Regurgitate, Purulent Jacuzzi, Destructive Explosion of Anal Garland, Gut
Looking for recommendations---

Grind I really like--I tend to prefer Gore over 'core--
Carcass, Pathologist, Lymphatic Phlegm, Blasted Pancreas, Squash Bowels (esp. songs like Child Victims and Don't Look a Gift Horse in the Ass), The Day Everything Became Nothing, Insect Warfare, (later) Impetigo, General Surgery, Regurgitate, (some) Gruesome Stuff Relish, Dead Infection

Death metal vocals and/or distorted vocals are preferable to the high grindcore scream and songs longer than 1 minute are preferable to 1 minute of less.

Looking for recommendations---

Grind I really like--I tend to prefer Gore over 'core--
Carcass, Pathologist, Lymphatic Phlegm, Blasted Pancreas, Squash Bowels (esp. songs like Child Victims and Don't Look a Gift Horse in the Ass), The Day Everything Became Nothing, Insect Warfare, (later) Impetigo, General Surgery, Regurgitate, (some) Gruesome Stuff Relish, Dead Infection

Death metal vocals and/or distorted vocals are preferable to the high grindcore scream and songs longer than 1 minute are preferable to 1 minute of less.


Aside from the stuff I already recommended try out:

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Thanks guys!

Embalming Theater is just right for me--I bought it right away-- and I actually like the Terrorizer songs on this early split a bit more than how I remember World Downfall (though it's been over a decade since I last heard WD).

Still open to more recommendations from anyone into this stuff. I like...
Carcass, Pathologist, Lymphatic Phlegm, Blasted Pancreas, Squash Bowels (esp. songs like Child Victims and Don't Look a Gift Horse in the Ass), Skullhog, The Day Everything Became Nothing, Insect Warfare, (later) Impetigo, General Surgery, Regurgitate, (some) Gruesome Stuff Relish, Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis, XXX Maniak, (some) Last Days of Humanity, Dead Infection.
Murder Construct kinda stomped the competition with Results, IMO.

Gaza, if you count them as grind (I'm not sure I do), General Surgery, Napalm Death, Phobia, there were some pretty good albums this past year. Just not a lot I can remember.

Yeah, PxDx, but I wasn't impressed with Book Burner at all.
It's the lyrics that let me down. PxDx lyrics were always fucking poetry. Read Prowler or Terrifyer, they're so personal and almost unsettling. Book Burner has great riffs and all that, but falls apart with the lyrics.

I know it's a weird thing to harp on with a grind band, but this is one of the only bands where I really do care about what they're saying.
Murder Construct was pretty bland...Maybe its because Im so fucking over Ryan's vocals, but the fact Danny Walker is on drums makes me smile. Fucking love that guys work.

Off the top of my head, I really enjoyed these from 2012:

Bastard Peels - Wer das Schlechte nicht ehrt
Collision - A Healthy Dose of Death
Torch Runner - Committed To The Ground
The Secret - Agnus Dei
Oh shit I forgot about The Secret! Yes. That was diesel.

Also looking forward to Nails this year. Unsilent Death still ranks as one of the most violent albums I have.
Worth saying: if a band pitch-shifts the vox, I don't like it. I think it just sounds bad. It's not a philosophical thing like "wah if you can't do it for real don't do it", I just literally think all those Rompeprop and what have you vox are awful.
I fucking love Rompeprop! :)

Since this thread is getting some more attention, ill contribute a little more :)

Here are a few more grindcore/power-violence albums I think are worth checking out from 2012:

Water Torture - Shellfire

False Light - False Light

ACxDC - The Second Coming EP

Antigama - Stop The Chaos

Gets Worse - Gets Worse
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